Der Schmerz
During a semi-structured interview 82 migraine patients were asked biographical and illnessrelated questions. They completed psychological instruments on coping behavior (Stressverarbeitungsfragebogen), self-concept (Frankfurter Selbstkonzeptskalen), attributional style (IE-SV-F), illness behavior, and illness-related attributions (Tübinger Attributions-fragebogen). The theoretical background of this research is a cognitive model of coping with stress and illness. ⋯ Some of the pain behavior strategies could be identified as being focused on illness (guarding behavior, avoidance and social withdrawal, resignation and complaint); only the attempt to relax is regarded as being focused on health. Migraine patients show a preference neither for medical nor psychological causal attributions of their illness but score significantly higher on medical than psychological control attributions. The results have implications for psychological therapy.
Many types of headache that occur in the form of attacks show a notably high incidence at certain times of the day. Attacks are often accompanied by emotional instability, irritability, exhaustion and other impairments of well-being. The cause for the frequent daytime occurrence of attacks is not clear. ⋯ These findings show that headache sensitivity follows circadian patterns. Daytime variations, however, are only significant for sensitivity to high intensities. Thus these results may explain, in part, why violent attacks of pain occur predominantly at night and in the early morning.