Der Schmerz
Our knowledge of the risk factors involved in the process by which acute pain becomes chronic has improved. Psychological conceptualizations of chronic pain presently include (1) the pain-tension cycle, with special reference to a diathesis-stress model, (2) the operant conditioning model, and (3) the interrelationship between vulnerability to pain attacks on the one hand and body posture, gait and activities of daily living on the other. With reference to these conceptualizations and to psychological procedures for the enhancement of self-management strategies, a low back school was implemented at the worksite as a preventive measure. The target population is characterized by (1) rare but recurrent pain episodes, (2) mild pain that has had little impact on daily activities, and (3) pain contingent on particular activities or situations. LOW BACK SCHOOL: A low back school called "Turn your back on backache" consists of the following elements: (1) analysis of labour conditions and adaptation of the worksite to the person, (2) relaxation and stress management, (3) training of posture, gait, and activities of daily living, and (4) stretching and stengthening of the muscles involved. The programme comprises 12 2-h sessions and is conducted by a physiotherapist according to a manual, after an introduction to self-management procedures including behavioural training for working with groups. For homework, participants are asked to practise the exercises demonstrated. ⋯ (1) A back school training for the worksite results in a decreased frequency of back pain episodes and an increase in reported health status and wellbeing. (2) The effects of behavioural training of posture, gait, and activities of daily living in hospital staff are clearly demonstrated by observational methods. (3) Assuming that present posture, gait, and daily activities are interrelated with future pain conditions, an increase in the exercise of adequate behaviours indicates a preventive effect of the back school programme.
Within a prospective longitudinal study of 111 patients with acute radicular pain and lumbar disc prolapse who underwent conservative or surgical treatment, we examined the importance of specific pain coping strategies, which have received little attention in psychological pain research: appeals to "stick it out" on the cognitive level and endurance strategies on the behavioural level. Prior to treatment we conducted a psychological and neurological examination. The psychological tests included the Kiel Pain Inventory (KPI) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). ⋯ Patients in group A were a specially high risk group: at the time of discharge they had no pain, but from the first week after discharge up to the 6-month follow up they had increasing pain. Additionally at the 6 month follow up they seemed less likely to return to work and 8 times more of them had applied for early retirement than in the groups of patients without psychological risk factors. The results suggested several suggestions for modification of medical and psychological therapy for chronic pain patients.
In contrast to pain from the skin, muscle pain is often referred to regions remote from the lesion. For instance, trigger points in neck muscles can elicit pain in the head. The convergence-projection theory of Ruch is still the central concept for the explanation of pain referral. ⋯ Therefore, the present paper presents another mechanism, which consists in acute changes in dorsal horn synaptic connections following nociceptive input from muscle. Results from animal experiments indicate that dorsal horn neurons possess ineffective synaptic connections with the body periphery, which become effective under the influence of a painful stimulus and lead to a mislocalization of pain. The neuropeptide substance P is probably involved in the changes in functional organization that occur in the dorsal horn during muscle pain and its referral.
Modern concepts of pain therapy involve neuronal mechanisms of endogenous analgesia. Recent animal experiments have provided new insights into the anatomy, physiology and neurobiology of endogenous antinociception. We have shown that antinociception can be maximally activated by disinhibition-and not by direct electrical or chemical excitation-in the midbrain periaqueductal grey matter. ⋯ The high order in the discharges of these neurons is maintained, at least in part, by tonically active descending systems. Thus, the spinal shock syndrome seen in some species after acute spinalisation may result from the loss of order in spinal neuronal discharges normally provided by the brain. The use of modern methods in studies of the functional neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and neurobiology of endogenous antinociception may help in the achievement of better application of results from basic sciences to clinically relevant pain problems.
Several studies of contingent negative variation (CNV) examined whether this method provides a suitable basis for research on pathogenetic processes in chronic headaches-especially migraine. In the present study, the CNV amplitudes and CNV course of 23 migraine patients were compared with those of 22 healthy subjects. CNV was calculated for (a) "total interval", (b) "early CNV component", and (c) "late CNV component". ⋯ The results allow the assumption that the higher level of CNV amplitude in migraine patients is not only due to higher cortical noradrenergic or serotoninergic activation. This study shows that migraine patients cannot decrease their CNV amplutides. This is probably due to defective processing of sensory imput.