Der Schmerz
Nursing in palliative medicine requires new pathways to secure an appropriate care which focuses on the patients quality of life. Besides accepting the incurability of the life threatening illness competence in pain therapy, symptom control and spiritual and ethical issues are necessary. Flexibility and creativity within the nursing practice are important to ensure that the patients requirements are met in an appropriate way. ⋯ Both are important prerequisites, but they have to be broadened by a specific competence. In Great Britain it is determined that it is the right of every person with a life threatening illness to receive appropriate palliative care and that every health care professional has to be able to practise the palliative care approach. In Germany we have to strive for a development equivalent to Great Britain.
From all symptoms in palliative medicine those concerning respiration are most excruciating and most difficult to treat. No other symptom is more dependent on psychosocial circumstances and on the atmosphere around the patient. ⋯ A team present twenty-four hours a day, the training of relatives and friends, the frank dealing with the patient's anxiety of suffocation are the basis of all therapeutic measures. Dyspnea often is the reason for a longer stay in a palliative care unit.
Within their psychosocial problems, badly ill patients and their families often feel left alone by caregivers, as there are physicians and nurses. It is the caregiver's task to allow patients to communicate all their feelings, not seeking to mollify, or banish them by attempting to cheer up or distract the patient. ⋯ Both of them, caregiver and patient have to find out their primary goals and challenges in the process of dying and come to an agreement. Communicating with a dying patient and being with him in the last period of his life presupposes a deepened communication with oneself and the own hopes and fears.