Der Schmerz
Multimodal pain therapy describes an integrated multidisciplinary treatment in small groups with a closely coordinated therapeutical approach. Somatic and psychotherapeutic procedures cooperate with physical and psychological training programs. For chronic pain syndromes with complex somatic, psychological and social consequences, a therapeutic intensity of at least 100 hours is recommended. ⋯ Medical indications are given for patients with chronic pain syndromes, but also if there is an elevated risk of chronic pain in the early stadium of the disease and aiming at delaying the process of chronification. Relative contraindications are a lack of motivation for behavioural change, severe mental disorders or psychopathologies and addiction problems. The availability of multimodal pain treatment centers in Germany is currently insufficient.
Randomized Controlled Trial
[Modulation of cortical pain processing by cyclooxygenase inhibition: a functional MRI study].
Little is known about changes in brain activity with pharmacological modulation of hyperalgesia. Therefore, we sought to investigate the cerebral processing of hyperalgesia and acute pain using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and pharmacological modulation with cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors. ⋯ This study provides new evidence for the involvement of COX inhibitors in modulating the cerebral activity associated with acute pain and hyperalgesia. Our results hint at a differential modulation of brain areas under either analgesia or antihyperalgesia.
Low back pain is a frequent reason for consultation in general practice. Many patients are treated in cooperation with an orthopaedic surgeon which requires an effective exchange of information. The aim of this study was to investigate the level of communication between general practitioners (GPs) and orthopaedic surgeons. ⋯ Incomplete and scant information on referral forms from GPs and a high non-response rate from orthopaedic surgeons suggest that current health care system and referral forms do not promote effective communication about the patient. This might explain the satisfaction of GPs with the orthopaedic response letters despite the lack of information. The GPs dissatisfaction with the treatment recommendations reflects the limited treatment options for chronic low back pain in ambulatory care.
The case of a 78-year-old patient with cancer-related pain and additionally mixed-pain syndrome is presented. Pain therapy with buprenorphine TTS 210 microg/h every 3 days was sufficient in the beginning, later the therapy was changed because of increasing problems of tape fixing during fever periods under chemotherapy to a continuous infusion of buprenorphine intravenously via an external medication pump. During the course of therapy it became necessary to increase the dose to 99.9 mg/day buprenorphine. ⋯ At the same time the patient was vigilant and cooperative without signs of intoxication until the end of life at home in the presence of his family. If no signs of intoxication occur under extreme opioid therapy and a sufficient pain therapy can be achieved, a rotation to another opioid is not necessary. However, outpatient palliative care requires a frequent adaptation to the individually varying opioid demand of the patient and time-consuming nursing care.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
[Desire for early retirement and therapy of chronic back pain: relevance of social medical variables for outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment].
This study investigated the influence of patients' desire for early retirement on the success of an outpatient cognitive behavioural treatment (CBT) in patients with chronic back pain. Previous studies have shown that the desire for early retirement and social compensation had a negative influence on therapy outcome, e.g. pain intensity and pain disability. This study was conducted to reassess whether these results can be replicated in an outpatient CBT setting. ⋯ CBT in an outpatient setting seems to be an effective treatment for patients with chronic back pain and even patients with a desire for early retirement benefit from treatment.