Der Schmerz
Case Reports Comparative Study
[Comparison of two screening questionnaires for patients with low back pain : Collation of risk factors for chronification].
Screening for risk factors for chronic low back pain (LBP) (yellow flags) is recommended by clinical guidelines. Various questionnaires to assess yellow flags have been proposed. ⋯ Both screening questionnaires for chronic LBP have insufficient diagnostic and prognostic validity for routine use in ambulatory care. Further studies are needed to improve diagnostic and prognostic validity and to elaborate criteria for a targeted use of screening questionnaires to guide therapeutic interventions.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
[Social desirability in pain therapy : Response behavior of various professional groups on the implementation of multi-professional pain management.]
Research on the quality of pain management is often based on self-reported data pertaining to internal regulations provided by employees. However, data examining the correctness of the information given are rare. The project "Pain-Free Hospital" facilitated such an analysis and compared the answers provided by staff members with currently existing regulations. ⋯ Therapy plans and pain management-related regulations are known in hospitals after a systematic training. Data suggest that hospitals without regulations show a trend towards social desirability.
Unrelieved pain is a substantial public health concern owing in part to deficits in clinical expertise among physicians. In most medical faculties worldwide, teaching on pain and pain management is either nonexistent or limited to a small number of students attending voluntary courses. In light of the fact that pain is the most frequent reason to seek medical advice, the lack of formal training of pain medicine is considered the leading reason for inadequate pain management. Therefore, the patients' unmet needs for adequate diagnosis and therapy call for action. ⋯ The introduction of pain medicine into the undergraduate curriculum in Germany is a major challenge regarding the development and implementation processes. This article describes current instruments and implementation strategies for pain medicine as a new cross-sectional subject in Germany.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the most relevant disorders of patients with chronic pain, but is often underdiagnosed. This also applies to expert testimony. ⋯ This forms the basis for a differentiated expert testimony in the different fields of law (e.g., criminal law, statutory or private accident insurance or social security benefits), in which different requirements must be taken into consideration by the expert. The recognition of malingering is described at length, which plays a major role in PTSD expert testimony in all fields of law.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
[Capsaicin 8 % cutaneous patches for phantom limb pain : Results from everyday practice (non-interventional study).]
Post amputation pain presents a challenge for pain physicians and is often detrimental to the patient's quality of life. ⋯ Capsaicin 8 % cutaneous patches seem to be effective and safe for the treatment of post amputation pain, notably in patients suffering from phantom limb pain.