Der Schmerz
Review Case Reports
[Spinal cord stimulation for thalamic pain : Case report and review of the current literature].
Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is an established procedure for treatment of chronic neuropathic pain of peripheral origin. The efficacy of SCS in case of central poststroke pain (CPSP), especially thalamic pain, has not been adequately proven. ⋯ The efficacy of SCS might be caused by segmental and supraspinal processes and collaboration of activating and inhibiting pathways. The integrity of the spinothalamic tract is mandatory. SCS is a treatment option for central pain syndrome, especially thalamic pain. Comparable studies confirm the potency of this technique. In contrast to other neuromodulation procedures spinal cord stimulation is less invasive, has a lower perioperative risk and is often less expensive. Further studies are needed to define its potential and role in the treatment of thalamic pain.
Chronic pain results in structural and functional changes of the brain. However, most of the neurophysiologic and imaging studies have been conducted with small sample sizes, some have been reproduced, but studies on larger populations are lacking. Larger epidemiologic studies are currently being performed to show specific structural changes due to chronic pain. ⋯ Most methods are very complex, which hampers their application in daily practice. But it is not only the complexity of methods, but also a lack of interaction between researchers and practitioners to formulate joint research topics and targets. This article tries to fill the gap between the practicing pain therapist and the researcher in summarizing neurophysiological and imaging results on neuropathic and chronic pain in a clear and simple manner.
In 2009 palliative medicine was integrated into the undergraduate curriculum as cross-disciplinary subject 13 and is now part of mandatory education in German medical faculties (MF). Surveys across German MFs have shown an inhomogeneous development of this cross-disciplinary subject. The aim of this study was to assess the current state and the needs in terms of assessments in the cross-disciplinary subject 13 at German MFs. ⋯ The major form of assessment in palliative care is still a written examination, especially multiple choice tests. This format is considered to be of limited value for assessing communicative competencies and attitudes in palliative medical care. Further steps should include the development of a competence-based assessment that is also feasible for smaller MFs with limited resources.
Constipation is a common complication in patients with opioid therapy. Additionally, patient-related risk factors also contribute to the development of constipation and these factors have to be integrated into an individualized treatment plan. ⋯ The incidence of constipation in this population remains high although a relevant number of patients were intermittently free of symptoms without using laxatives. An individualized therapy plan and patient education seem to be important elements to control opioid-associated constipation.