Der Schmerz
Studies from recent years paint a picture of qualitatively deficient treatment in pain medicine. In order to improve the situation knowledge on targeted diagnostics and effective therapy should be imparted at an early stage during undergraduate studies. For this reason the cross-sectional field Q14 - pain medicine was newly created in the revision of the medical physician licencing regulations. ⋯ On the other hand this corresponds to the basic conception of a cross-sectional field and gives a good depiction of the multidisciplinary character. The first evaluation results set the precedent for further fine adjustments of the cross-sectional field. A continuous further development is generally needed with respect to the Kern cycle.
In many European countries and particularly in Germany, piritramide is the first choice opioid analgesic for the management of postoperative and posttraumatic pain. ⋯ So far there is little evidence to support the widespread use of piritramide as first-line opioid analgesic for postoperative pain management in Germany. Especially lacking are in-depth studies about its mechanisms of action, receptor pharmacology, dose-response relationships and clinical dosing regimens. It is therefore questionable why piritramide is given priority.
The perception of the media is that chemotherapy is mainly associated with nausea, vomiting and hair loss. In the longer term the development of peripheral neuropathy, i.e. chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is often more important for patients. ⋯ In addition to many interventions, which have been shown to be ineffective, physiotherapeutic measures and possibly the prophylactic application of cold are helpful for prevention. Randomized studies on the treatment of painful CIPN provided positive data for duloxetine and to a lesser extent for venlafaxine.
Providing end of life care for dying patients and those with life-threatening diseases is one of the core competences of physician. During the course of training all physicians should develop a sharpened perception of symptoms and acquire competence in the relief and therapy of pain. ⋯ The PKT is a German questionnaire that was validated to assess the efficiency of palliative education for physicians.