Der Schmerz
Adequate pain management and palliative care structures are of significant importance in residential nursing homes. Whilst professional pain treatment and palliative care measures are frequently implemented for residents with oncological diseases, this is often not the case for residents with neurological disorders. Such a potential undertreatment is even more challenging when the means of interaction and communication with affected persons are aggravated by impairments in cognitive function. ⋯ The generally high level of pain in all observed residents elucidates the principle necessity of adequate pain assessment and an interprofessional pain treatment. Furthermore, there seems to be a still unmet need for specifically adapted pain management strategies especially for the steadily increasing number of people with Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease living in nursing homes. This should be a future high priority task for (nursing) practice and research against the background of the vulnerability of nursing home populations.
We aimed to explore the existing use of pain assessment tools and guidelines, and develop understanding of the practical considerations required to facilitate their use within the nursing home, hospital and community settings. ⋯ Our findings suggest that pain education is required across all countries surveyed. This should include a focus on guidelines and standards for assessment and subsequent management of pain. Findings suggest that clinical staff find interpreting facial expressions in relation to pain more difficult.
Pain, restriction of mobility and cognitive impairment are often present in old age and intensify each other. ⋯ Cognitive impairment is associated with pain and reduced mobility, whereby self-rated pain did not concur with the observational pain assessment for two-thirds of the residents with cognitive impairment. This illustrates the difficulty of observational pain assessment.
The use of a scientifically developed App for pain management in the home care setting is not yet established in Germany. The documentation of pain-specific data by the patients and the transfer into a web portal to be examined by the attending physician can help close the existing communication gap in pain management between consultations. ⋯ The development of the painApp as a prototype was realized in the study with high acceptability by the patients. The painApp is able to establish digital communication with the general practitioner without any technical problems and allows the physician access to patient data in real time.