Der Schmerz
In this article we address the relevance of rare diseases and their peculiarities with respect to pain therapy. Towards this end, four rare diseases (hemophilia, Morbus Fabry, dermatomyositis, and facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD)) will be presented and fundamental aspects of their pain therapies described. The diseases were chosen to showcase a pain therapy based on the WHO-step-by-step plan (hemophilia), a complex but established pain therapy (M. Fabry), and two less well established, individually adapted pain therapies (dermatomyositis, FSHD).
The direct comparison of day care pain patients with patients from other treatment sectors with respect to sociodemographic, pain-related and psychological characteristics has not yet been the subject of systematic analyses. The project core documentation and quality assurance in pain therapy (KEDOQ-pain) of the German Pain Society (Deutsche Schmerzgesellschaft e. V.) makes this comparison possible. ⋯ The comparison of outpatients and inpatients showed significant group differences for some variables; however, the effects were very small. The evaluations suggest that pain therapy day care facilities treat a special group of pain patients that significantly differ from patients in other treatment sectors. Cautious conclusions are drawn regarding the systematic allocation of patients to care appropriate to their treatment needs.
The prevalence of chronic pelvic pain of 11.8% in the general population underlines the importance of this disease. However, the specific diagnostics and therapy of the muscles of this region are not yet part of the standard examination. The following study examines the effects of specific diagnostics and therapy on myofascial chronic pelvic pain. ⋯ A multimodal therapy concept with a manual therapeutic treatment focus can lead to an improvement in pain symptoms and quality of life in patients with myofascial chronic pelvic pain after a treatment period of 120 days. Myofascial syndromes of urogenital muscles must be considered in the assessment of the cause of chronic pelvic pain.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, elective medical services have had to be reduced to a minimum, which has also affected care in pain medicine. Following these drastic cutbacks, a cautious resumption of elective care is planned. This also applies to the delivery of inpatient and day-care interdisciplinary multimodal pain therapy (IMPT). ⋯ In particular, wearing protective masks proved to be the protective measure with the greatest negative impact. However, options like the use of protective visors or relocating treatment modules to the outdoors offer practicable alternative solutions for protection. Both patient and therapist satisfaction was high despite these constraints, and personal concern regarding possible infection low.
The objective recording of subjectively experienced pain is a problem that has not been sufficiently solved to date. In recent years, data sets have been created to train artificial intelligence algorithms to recognize patterns of pain intensity. The multimodal recognition of pain with machine learning could provide a way to reduce an over- or undersupply of analgesics, explicitly in patients with limited communication skills. ⋯ Priority should be given to the multimodal approach to the recognition of pain intensity and modality compared with unimodality. Further clinical studies should clarify whether multimodal automated recognition of pain intensity and modality is in fact superior to bimodal recognition.