Der Schmerz
The pain phenomena caused by endometriosis are manifold. In addition to nociceptive pain there is also a nociplastic reaction with central sensitization. Atypical symptoms, such as acyclic lower abdominal pain, radiating pain, nonspecific bladder and intestinal complaints or even depression increasingly occur in addition to the classical cyclic complaints, such as severe dysmenorrhea, cyclic lower abdominal pain, dyspareunia, dysuria and dyschezia. Due to the diffuse range of symptoms, affected patients often consult not just gynecologists but also specialists from other disciplines (internal medicine, gastroenterology, orthopedics, pain therapy, psychology etc.). ⋯ Based on multimodal treatment strategies and regarding the complex pathophysiological alterations of this disease, the complex complaints that significantly impair the quality of life of endometriosis patients can be greatly improved.
Chronic pain affects around 3 million people in Germany. The drug therapies used are only effective to a limited extent and sometimes have considerable side effects. ⋯ Combined with evidence-based complementary medicine, MBM as mind-body medicine in integrative and complementary medicine (MICOM) is an effective instrument for self-efficacy and self-care with very few side effects. The reduction of stress plays a key role in this process.
Case Reports
[Electrotherapeutical stellate ganglion block on a patient with complex regional pain syndrome of the upper limb].
The case of a 51-year-old patient with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) of the left hand after radius distortion is reported. Anticonvulsant therapy was difficult in this case due to persisting epilepsy with already dual therapy (lamotrigine and brivaracetam) at high dosage. ⋯ A ganglion blockage could not be clinically confirmed in the absence of Horner syndrome, but neuropathic pain and hyperhidrosis could be positively influenced. This case report summarizes the electrode positions used, current parameters, pitfalls and therapy limitations and discusses them in relation to the literature.
There are previously published data on the per capita use of analgesics in Germany, but only to 2005. In the present analysis, data for the years 2008-2019 were evaluated. The use of prescription and nonprescription analgesics was investigated and possible influencing factors were discussed. ⋯ The use of nonprescription analgesics in Germany decreased between 2008 and 2019. The trend as of 1995, which was observed in a previous investigation, is therefore continuing. External factors, such as the increase in advertising expenses or easier access via mail-order pharmacies, do not appear to influence use.