Der Schmerz
Surgical procedures for treating neuropathic pain, including trigeminal neuralgia (TGN), are categorized into three groups: decompression, ablation, and neuromodulation. Microvascular decompression is the only causal therapy for TGN, applicable favorably in cases of classical TGN due to a vascular nerve conflict. ⋯ For irreversible neuropathies of the trigeminal nerve, the algorithm for other neuropathic pain conditions should be considered, along with the potential use of neuromodulatory techniques. When selecting a therapy, diagnosis, medication side effects, individual patient risks, and treatment outcomes must all be taken into account (current S1 guideline from the German Society of Neurology).
This article deals with the interrelationship between body, mind and culture with respect to being healthy and being ill. If one wants to treat not only sickness but also sick people, it is helpful to be aware not only of the somatic and psychological dimensions of a disease but also of the "cultural" dimension of a disease. ⋯ Furthermore, it is shown that not only being sick but also the sick body can be understood in somatic, psychological and cultural dimensions and that a distinction must be made between the body as it physically is and as it is subjectively perceived. Finally, an insight into the complexity of the somatopsychic and psychosomatic interactions is provided in order to derivatively show how mental stress can lead to physical pain and physical pain can become a mental stressor.