Clinical imaging
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has posed incredible new challenges for radiology residency programs, including resident training under tenuous and uncertain conditions, barriers to communication, deployment-induced anxiety, and social isolation. Chief residents and program leadership play a critical role in guiding radiology residents through these unprecedented times. Best practices and creative approaches experienced in a single institution's residency program located in New York City are shared in an effort to encourage other programs struggling with similar obstacles to prioritize resident education and wellness.
Social media are impacting all industries and changing the way daily interactions take place. This has been notable in health care as it allows a mechanism to connect patients directly to physicians, advocacy groups, and health care information. ⋯ Often, articles in the lay press have little medical expertise informing opinions about artificial intelligence in radiology. We propose solutions for radiologists to take the lead in the narrative on social media about the role of AI in radiology to better inform and shape public perception about the role of AI in radiology.
To retrospectively analyze the CT findings in patients infected with Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). ⋯ The bilateral GGO with air bronchogram, enlarged blood vessel, fine reticular pattern, and peripheral distribution are the early CT findings of COVID-19. The crazy-paving pattern and intralesional vacuole sign are the features of progressive stage.
Neurologic complications of COVID-19 infection have been recently described and include dizziness, headache, loss of taste and smell, stroke, and encephalopathy. Brain MRI in these patients have revealed various findings including ischemia, hemorrhage, inflammation, and demyelination. In this article, we report a case of critical illness-associated cerebral microbleeds identified on MRI in a patient with severe COVID-19 infection and discuss the potential etiologies of these neuroimaging findings.
Magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) of the globus pallidus interna (GPi) has shown promise in the treatment of drug-resistant Parkinson's disease, though direct visualization of the GPi remains challenging with MRI. The purpose of this study was to compare various preoperative MR imaging techniques and to evaluate the utility of quantitative susceptibility imaging (QSM) in the depiction of the GPi prior to MRgFUS ablation. ⋯ QSM offers improved visualization of the GPi compared with the traditional and currently recommended MR sequences prior to MRgFUS ablation in patients with Parkinson's disease. These results suggest that QSM should be considered as part of all preoperative imaging protocols prior to MRgFUS pallidotomy.