Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries
Burn injuries pose a significant public health challenge, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In Bangladesh, burn injuries are prevalent and often result in severe disability or death. However, knowledge regarding the causes of burn injuries, acute burn management, and barriers to seeking burn care in the riverine areas of northern Bangladesh is limited. ⋯ We found a low rate of adequate cooling and seeking medical care. The need for basic knowledge on prevention and treatment of burn injuries and improved access to affordable health care services in the region is high.
Trauma-informed care practices are associated with a culture of safety following traumatic experiences, including medical trauma. An interactive, web-based training package ('Responsive CARE') was developed for voluntary uptake by paediatric burns health professionals to increase staff knowledge about trauma-informed practice. This paper reports on a mixed methods process evaluation conducted alongside a preliminary effectiveness study of 'Responsive CARE'. ⋯ We found no significant difference for pain, distress and per-patient hospital care costs between groups (pre- and post-intervention). Future implementation strategies should include organizational support to keep a trauma-informed lens and to incorporate trauma-informed principles within a medical model of care. Despite efforts to co-design a staff education intervention and implementation approach focused on stakeholder engagement, adaptations are indicated to both the intervention and implementation strategies to promote uptake highlighting the complexity of changing clinician behaviours.
Observational Study
Usefulness of mid-regional proadrenomedullin levels in the resuscitation phase of severely burned patients and its utility in early sepsis detection.
Mid-regional proadrenomedullin (MR-proADM) reflects the adrenomedullin level, which has vasodilatory activity, decreases endothelial permeability, and downregulates proinflammatory cytokines. Sepsis diagnosis in these patients is difficult, and MR-proADM is a widely studied sepsis biomarker. This study evaluates MR-proADM levels during the resuscitation phase, considering the potential influence of haemodynamic changes and its usefulness for the early sepsis detection in burn patients. ⋯ MR-proadrenomedullin values are elevated after thermal injury but are not affected by haemodynamic changes. During septic episodes in burn patients, MR-proADM rises early (the day before sepsis diagnosis). Higher levels of MR-proADM are associated with greater organ dysfunction and mortality.
To evaluate the efficacy of topical erythropoietin for chemical burn induced scleral necrosis. ⋯ The results of our study showed that topical erythropoietin was effective in the management of chemical burn induced scleral necrosis. This treatment could avoid ocular surface reconstruction procedures in inflamed eyes.
Few studies have explored the mental health status of parents of children with burns and the moderating effect of social support on them. ⋯ Parents of burned children had increased stress, obvious symptoms of anxiety and depression, and poor sleep quality. Social support had a significant buffering effect on them under low pressure, and high pressure will hinder the buffering effect of social support on stress. Therefore, the ideal services to improve mental health should be provided for them to face different levels of stress.