NMR in biomedicine
The purpose of this work was to systematically assess the impact of the b-value on texture analysis in MR diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of the abdomen. In eight healthy male volunteers, echo-planar DWI sequences at 16 b-values ranging between 0 and 1000 s/mm2 were acquired at 3 T. Three different apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps were computed (0, 750/100, 390, 750 s/mm2 /all b-values). ⋯ Two GLCM features showed significant variability in the different ADC maps. Several texture features vary systematically in healthy tissues at different b-values, which needs to be taken into account if DWI data with different b-values are analyzed. Histogram and GLRLM-derived texture features are stable on ADC maps computed from different b-values.
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) has been shown to augment diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) for the definition of irreversible ischemic injury. However, the complexity of cerebral structure/composition makes the kurtosis map heterogeneous, limiting the specificity of kurtosis hyperintensity to acute ischemia. We propose an Inherent COrrelation-based Normalization (ICON) analysis to suppress the intrinsic kurtosis heterogeneity for improved characterization of heterogeneous ischemic tissue injury. ⋯ The ratio of kurtosis to diffusivity lesion volume was 84% ± 19% (p < 0.001, one-sample t-test). We found that relaxation-normalized MK (RNMK), but not MD, values were significantly different between kurtosis and diffusivity lesions (p < 0.001, analysis of variance). Our study showed that fast DKI with ICON analysis provides a promising means of demarcation of heterogeneous DWI stroke lesions.
The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate a custom-designed 7 T MRI coil and explore its use for upper extremity applications. An RF system composed of a transverse electromagnetic transmit coil and an eight-channel receive-only array was developed for 7 T upper extremity applications. The RF system was characterized and evaluated using scattering parameters and B1+ mapping. ⋯ Comparison between 3 T and 7 T is shown. Intricate contextual anatomy can be delineated in synovial, fibrocartilaginous, interosseous, and intraosseous trabecular structures of the forearm, as well as palmar and digital vascular anatomy (including microvascular detail in SWI). Ultra-high-field 7 T imaging holds great potential in improving the sensitivity and specificity of upper extremity imaging, especially in wrist and hand pathology secondary to bone, ligament, nerve, vascular, and other soft or hard tissue etiology.
White matter (WM) perfusion has great potential as a physiological biomarker in many neurological diseases. Although it has been demonstrated previously that arterial spin labeling magnetic resonance imaging (ASL-MRI) enables the detection of the perfusion-weighted signal in most voxels in WM, studies of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in WM by ASL-MRI are relatively scarce because of its particular challenges, such as significantly lower perfusion and longer arterial transit times relative to gray matter (GM). Recently, ASL with a spectroscopic readout has been proposed to enhance the sensitivity for the measurement of WM perfusion. ⋯ Perfusion measurements by te-pCASL PRESS and conventional EPI showed no significant difference for quantitative WM CBF values (Student's t-test, p = 0.19) or temporal SNR (p = 0.33 and p = 0.81 for GM and WM, respectively), whereas GM CBF values (p = 0.016) were higher using PRESS than EPI readout. WM CBF values were found to be 18.2 ± 7.6 mL/100 g/min (PRESS) and 12.5 ± 5.5 mL/100 g/min (EPI), whereas GM CBF values were found to be 77.1 ± 11.2 mL/100 g/min (PRESS) and 53.6 ± 9.6 mL/100 g/min (EPI). This study demonstrates the feasibility of te-pCASL PRESS for the quantification of WM perfusion changes in a highly time-efficient manner, but it does not result in improved temporal SNR, as does traditional te-pCASL EPI, which remains the preferred option because of its flexibility in use.
The reproducibility of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) quantification results, obtained with MRSI, was determined on a 3 T MR scanner in healthy adults. In this study, a spiral-encoded, GABA-edited, MEGA-LASER MRSI sequence with real-time motion-scanner-instability corrections was applied for robust 3D mapping of neurotransmitters in the brain. In particular, the GABA+ (i.e. ⋯ For both inter-subject and intra-subject repeated measurement sessions a low coefficient of variation (CV) and a high intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were found for GABA+ and Glx ratios across all evaluated voxels (intra-/inter-subject: GABA+ ratios, CV ~ 8%-ICC > 0.75; Glx ratios, CV ~ 6%-ICC > 0.70). The same was found in selected brain regions for Glx ratios versus GABA+ ratios (CV varied from about 5% versus about 8% in occipital and parietal regions, to about 8% versus about 10% in the frontal area, thalamus, and basal ganglia). These results provide evidence that 3D mapping of GABA+ and Glx using the described methodology provides high reproducibility for application in clinical and neuroscientific studies.