Acta neurologica Scandinavica
To investigate the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on patients' perceptions of hardship in obtaining their drugs and if this pandemic and the social restrictions in response to that has resulted in any changes in their seizure control status. We also investigated factors potentially associated with the perceptions of difficulty in obtaining their drugs (eg, polytherapy vs monotherapy, taking imported drugs, and seizure status worsening). ⋯ About one-third of patients with epilepsy expressed significant hardship obtaining their drugs after the intensification of the COVID-19 outbreak in Iran. The current COVID-19 pandemic could be considered as a major shock to a nation that has already been under significant pressure (ie, Iran).
Since December 2019, the world has been experiencing a catastrophic pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2. This virus primarily targets the human respiratory system. Available information suggests that people with epilepsy (PWE) are not at higher risk of being infected by the virus, nor of more severe COVID-19 manifestations, as a result of the epilepsy alone. ⋯ On the other hand, in the absence of any proven treatment or vaccine to combat COVID-19, prevention is the best available strategy and it is probably not reasonable to suggest avoid wearing face masks in PWE under any circumstances. Logically, PWE do not need to wear a face mask most of the time, as long as there is no close contact with others, especially during intense physical activities such as exercise. To the contrary, it is probably more advantageous to wear a face mask in crowded locations, with intermittent breaks in safe locations, away from others.