Nutrición hospitalaria : organo oficial de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Parenteral y Enteral
A review is made of possible adverse effects of lipid emulsions on the respiratory function, based on the use and acceptance thereof as part of the non-protein caloric supply of the total parenteral nutrition of critical patients from the first hypotheses of the role played by the subsequent lipemia, to the most recent which lend great importance to the eicosanoids generated by the fatty acids supplied by the lipid emulsions. It is also verified whether the observed effects are similar both in healthy as well as in damaged lungs. Another variable to keep in mind, is the rate of administration of the lipid emulsions, which, related to the clearance thereof, could have different actions. Finally, and due to the fatty acid pattern of the lipid emulsion being different than that of the chylomicron, it is evaluated whether the actions of these emulsions may vary as a function of the quantity and quality of the fatty acids supplied.