Journal of electromyography and kinesiology : official journal of the International Society of Electrophysiological Kinesiology
J Electromyogr Kinesiol · Apr 2016
Neck and shoulder muscle activity and posture among helicopter pilots and crew-members during military helicopter flight.
Neck pain among helicopter pilots and crew-members is common. This study quantified the physical workload on neck and shoulder muscles using electromyography (EMG) measures during helicopter flight. Nine standardized sorties were performed, encompassing: cruising from location A to location B (AB) and performing search and rescue (SAR). ⋯ Sortie time (%) with non-neutral neck posture for SAR+NVG and AB-NVG was: 80.4%, 74.5% (flexed), 55.5%, 47.9% (rotated), 4.5%, 3.7% (lateral flexed). Neck pain intensity increased significantly from pre- (0.7±1.3) to post-sortie (1.6±1.9) for pilots (p=0.028). If sustained, UNE activity of ∼10% MVE is high, and implies a risk for neck disorders.
J Electromyogr Kinesiol · Apr 2016
Influence of chronic low back pain and fear of movement on the activation of the transversely oriented abdominal muscles during forward bending.
Chronic low back pain (CLBP) and fear of movement (kinesiophobia) are associated with an overactivation of paravertebral muscles during forward bending. This impairs spine motor control and contributes to pain perpetuation. However, the abdominal muscles activation is engaged too in spine stabilization but its modulation with kinesiophobia remains unknown. Our study tested whether CLBP and kinesiophobia affected the activation pattern of abdominal muscles during trunk flexion/extension. ⋯ The phase-dependence of IO/TrA activation during trunk flexion/extension in standing may have a role in spine motor control. The influence of kinesiophobia in CLBP should be further investigated as an important target in CLBP management.