Internal medicine
A 72-year-old man was treated with prednisolone and cyclosporine A for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. A nodule with a diameter of 19 mm was found in the right lung and diagnosed as lung squamous cell carcinoma. ⋯ Within 2 months, the tumor had shrunk to 10 mm in diameter and remained regressed for 9 months. This is the first report of a non-hematologic solid organ tumor responding to the discontinuation of immunosuppressants.
Case Reports
Obstructive Jaundice Due to Duodenal Ulcer Induced by Lenvatinib Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
An 82-year-old man with hepatocellular carcinoma presented with upper abdominal pain, vomiting, and jaundice. He had been taking a standard lenvatinib dose for three months. Although acute cholangitis was suggested, imaging studies failed to detect the biliary obstruction site. ⋯ Endoscopic biliary drainage and antibiotics improved concomitant Enterobacter cloacae bacteremia. Ulcer healing was confirmed after rabeprazole was replaced with vonoprazan and misoprostol. Our case shows that lenvatinib can induce duodenal ulcers resulting in obstructive jaundice.
Drug-induced immune hemolytic anemia (DIIHA) is a rare condition with an increasing incidence associated with the frequent use of certain drugs. An 85-year-old woman with lung adenocarcinoma prescribed alectinib complained of dyspnea on exertion at our hospital. ⋯ The patient's anemia and hemolysis gradually improved after discontinuation of alectinib, leading to a diagnosis of alectinib-induced IHA, presented here as the first case encountered in a patient with lung adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, we discuss the importance of correlating clinical laboratory findings in DIIHA.
We herein report the case of a 75-year-old man with asymptomatic immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-associated myocarditis diagnosed on the basis of elevated levels of creatine kinase (CK), CK-myocardial band and troponin I (TNI). He was suspected of being complicated with myasthenia gravis (MG). High-dose prednisolone (PSL) is associated with a risk of MG exacerbation; therefore, PSL therapy was gradually increased from 5 mg/day to 20 mg/day, which resulted in the normalization of the TNI level, and no PSL-related side effects occurred. MG easily complicates myocarditis as an immune-related adverse event; thus, the treatment plan should be carefully considered.
Case Reports
Localized Gastric Amyloidosis that Displayed Morphological Changes over 10 Years of Observation.
We herein report an extremely rare case of localized gastric amyloidosis (LGA) with morphological changes during the follow-up. A 71-year-old woman who had a depressed lesion with central elevation in the gastric lower body was diagnosed with LGA. ⋯ The final pathological diagnosis was amyloid light-chain (AL)-type LGA. This case may provide useful information regarding the natural history of AL-type LGA.