Paediatric anaesthesia
Paediatric anaesthesia · Aug 2024
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyAvoiding pain during propofol injection in pediatric anesthesia: Hypnoanalgesia of the hand versus intravenous lidocaine.
Pain related to injection of propofol during induction of anesthesia decreases from 66.8% without prevention, to 22-31% of cases when lidocaine is associated. Hypnoanalgesia of the hand is currently used for painful procedures in children but has never been evaluated in this indication. The primary aim of this prospective randomized single-blind study was to evaluate the efficacy of hypnoanalgesia of the hand for the prevention of moderate to severe pain during intravenous injection of propofol alone in comparison to lidocaine admixture. The secondary aim was to compare the global satisfaction of children in both methods. ⋯ Our results suggest that hypnoanalgesia of the hand alone is effective to prevent the pain related to propofol injection in children. No significant difference was found in comparison with lidocaine admixture nor for pain or satisfaction.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Aug 2024
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyA prospective randomized comparative trial of pediatric C-MAC D-blade video laryngoscope with McCoy direct laryngoscope for intubation in children posted for elective surgical procedures under general anesthesia.
Pediatric airway management requires careful clinical evaluation and experienced execution due to anatomical, physiological, and developmental considerations. Video laryngoscopy in pediatric airways is a developing area of research, with recent data suggesting that video laryngoscopes are better than standard Macintosh blades. Specifically, there is a paucity of literature on the advantages of the C-MAC D-blade compared to the McCoy direct laryngoscope. ⋯ The C-MAC video laryngoscope size 2 D-blade provided faster and better glottic visualization but similar intubation difficulty compared to McCoy size 2 laryngoscope in children. The shorter time to achieve glottic view demonstrated with the C-MAC failed to translate into a shorter total duration of intubation when compared to the McCoy laryngoscope attributable to a pronounced curvature of the D-blade.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Aug 2024
Randomized Controlled TrialThe effect on perioperative anxiety and emergence delirium of the child or parent's preference for parental accompaniment during anesthesia induction in children undergoing adenotonsillectomy surgery.
Pediatric emergence delirium (ED) occurs in the early postoperative period and is defined as a complex psychiatric disorder. Non-pharmacological methods of treatment, such as perioperative parental presence, have been the focus of many studies, but the impact on preventing ED of which parent accompanies the child during anesthesia induction has not been identified as yet. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether the selection made by children undergoing adenotonsillectomy of which parent will accompany them during anesthesia induction has the effect of reducing postoperative delirium scores and incidence compared to selections made by the parents. ⋯ The incidence or severity of ED did not decrease significantly even though lower anxiety scores were obtained during anesthesia induction in children who were allowed to make the decision of accompanying parent. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that postoperative delirium is a more complicated process that can be affected by many other variables rather than just the parent-child general interaction.