American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Jan 2019
ReviewZika virus and the nonmicrocephalic fetus: why we should still worry.
Zika virus is a mosquito-transmitted flavivirus and was first linked to congenital microcephaly caused by a large outbreak in northeastern Brazil. Although the Zika virus epidemic is now in decline, pregnancies in large parts of the Americas remain at risk because of ongoing transmission and the potential for new outbreaks. This review presents why Zika virus is still a complex and worrisome public health problem with an expanding spectrum of birth defects and how Zika virus and related viruses evade the immune response to injure the fetus. ⋯ The efficiency with which the Zika virus evades the early immune response to enable infection of the mother, placenta, and fetus is likely critical for understanding why the infection may either be fulminant or limited. Furthermore, studies suggest that several emerging and related viruses may also cause birth defects, including West Nile virus, which is endemic in many parts of the United States. With mosquito-borne diseases increasing worldwide, there remains an urgent need to better understand the pathogenesis of the Zika virus and related viruses to protect pregnancies and child health.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Jan 2019
Hospital variation in utilization and success of trial of labor after a prior cesarean.
Trial of labor after cesarean delivery is an effective and safe option for women without contraindications. ⋯ Utilization and success rates of trial of labor after cesarean delivery varied considerably across hospitals. Strategies to promote vaginal birth should be tailored to hospital needs and characteristics (eg, increase availability of trial of labor after cesarean delivery at hospitals with low utilization rates while being more selective at hospitals with high utilization rates, and targeted support for lower capacity hospitals).
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Jan 2019
ReviewTackling poorly selected, collected, and reported outcomes in obstetrics and gynecology research.
Clinical research should ultimately improve patient care. To enable this, randomized controlled trials must select, collect, and report outcomes that are both relevant to clinical practice and genuinely reflect the perspectives of key stakeholders including health care professionals, researchers, and patients. Unfortunately, many randomized controlled trials fall short of this requirement. ⋯ The consortium supports researchers to develop, disseminate, and implement core outcome sets. Implementing core outcome sets could make a profound contribution to addressing poorly selected, collected, and reported outcomes. Implementation should ensure future randomized controlled trials hold the necessary reach and relevance to inform clinical practice, enhance patient care, and improve patient outcomes.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Jan 2019
Comparative StudyEarly preterm preeclampsia outcomes by intended mode of delivery.
The optimal route of delivery in early-onset preeclampsia before 34 weeks is debated because many clinicians are reluctant to proceed with induction for perceived high risk of failure. ⋯ About half of women with preterm preeclampsia who attempted an induction had a successful vaginal delivery. The rate of successful vaginal delivery increases with gestational age. Successful induction has the benefit of preventing maternal and fetal comorbidities associated with previous cesarean deliveries in subsequent pregnancies. While overall rates of a composite of serious maternal and neonatal morbidity/mortality did not differ between induction of labor and planned cesarean delivery groups, women with failed induction of labor had increased maternal morbidity highlighting the complex route of delivery counseling required in this high-risk population of women.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Jan 2019
Comparative StudyCost-effectiveness of opportunistic salpingectomy vs tubal ligation at the time of cesarean delivery.
Removal of the fallopian tubes at the time of hysterectomy or interval sterilization has become routine practice to prevent ovarian cancer. While emerging as a strategy, uptake of this procedure at the time of cesarean delivery for pregnant women seeking permanent sterilization has not been widely adopted due to perceptions of increased morbidity and operative difficulty with a lack of available data in this setting. ⋯ Bilateral tubal ligation and bilateral opportunistic salpingectomy with cesarean delivery are both cost-effective strategies for permanent sterilization and ovarian cancer risk reduction. Although salpingectomy and tubal ligation are both reasonable strategies for cesarean patients seeking permanent sterilization and cancer risk reduction, threshold analyses indicate that the risks and benefits of salpingectomy with cesarean delivery need to be better defined before a preferred strategy can be determined.