Comparative Study
Comparison of multivariate classifiers and response normalizations for pattern-information fMRI.
A popular method for investigating whether stimulus information is present in fMRI response patterns is to attempt to "decode" the stimuli from the response patterns with a multivariate classifier. The sensitivity for detecting the information depends on the particular classifier used. However, little is known about the relative performance of different classifiers on fMRI data. ⋯ Independent selection of fewer more visually responsive voxels tended to yield better decoding performance for all classifiers. Normalizing mean and standard deviation of the response patterns either across stimuli or across voxels had no significant effect on decoding performance. Overall our results suggest that linear decoders based on t-value patterns may perform best in the present scenario of visual object representations measured for about 60min per subject with 3T fMRI.
Preterm birth is associated with altered white matter microstructure, defined by metrics derived from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) is a useful tool for investigating developing white matter using DTI, but standard TBSS protocols have limitations for neonatal studies. We describe an optimised TBSS protocol for neonatal DTI data, in which registration errors are reduced. ⋯ Infants with CLD had significantly increased radial diffusivity (RD) and significantly reduced FA within the centrum semiovale, corpus callosum and inferior longitudinal fasciculus (p<0.05) compared to their peers, controlling for degree of prematurity and age at scan. The optimised TBSS protocol improved reliability for neonatal DTI analysis. These data suggest that potentially modifiable respiratory morbidity is associated with widespread altered white matter microstructure in preterm infants at term-equivalent age.
The last two decades have witnessed great progress in mapping neural networks associated with task-induced brain activation. More recently, identification of resting state networks (RSN) paved the way to investigate spontaneous task-unrelated brain activity. The cardinal features characterising RSN are low-frequency fluctuations of blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signals synchronised between spatially distinct, but functionally connected brain areas. ⋯ The study presents an approach that opens a new perspective to EEG/fMRI correlation. Direct evidence was provided for a distinct neurophysiological correlate of DMN FC. This finding further validates the biological relevance of network-specific intrinsic FC and provides an initial neurophysiological basis for interpreting studies of DMN FC alterations.
Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by deficits in social and communication processes. Recent data suggest that altered functional connectivity (FC), i.e. synchronous brain activity, might contribute to these deficits. Of specific interest is the FC integrity of the default mode network (DMN), a network active during passive resting states and cognitive processes related to social deficits seen in ASD, e.g. ⋯ These results support the hypothesis that DM-SNs under-connectivity contributes to the core deficits seen in ASD. Moreover, these data provide further support for the use of data-driven analysis with resting-state data for illuminating neural systems that differ between groups. This approach seems especially well suited for populations where compliance with and performance of active tasks might be a challenge, as it requires minimal cooperation.
The communication of pain requires the perception of pain-related signals and the extraction of their meaning and magnitude to infer the state of the expresser. Here, BOLD responses were measured in healthy volunteers while they evaluated the amount of pain expressed (pain task) or discriminated movements (movement task) in one-second video clips displaying facial expressions of various levels of pain. ⋯ Furthermore, the pain task produced stronger activation in the ventral IFG, as well as in areas of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) associated with social cognition and emotional mirroring, whereas stronger activation during the movement task predominated in the IPL. These results suggest that perception of the pain of another via facial expression recruits limbic regions involved in the coding of self-pain, prefrontal areas underlying social and emotional cognition (i.e. 'mentalizing'), and premotor and parietal areas involved in motor mirroring.