Acta clinica Croatica
Neuropathic pain refers to pain that originates from pathology of the nervous system. Common causes of neuropathic pain are diabetes mellitus, reactivation of herpes zoster, nerve compression or radiculopathy, alcohol, chemotherapy or abuse of some drugs, and trigeminal neuralgia. ⋯ The use of multiple drug therapies is common in practice. Despite considerable increase in the number of randomized placebo-controlled trials in neuropathic pain in the last few years, the medical treatment of neuropathic pain is still far from being satisfactory, with less than half of patients achieving significant benefit with any pharmacological drug.
The rate of organ donation reflects the level of the respective society and country development. In Croatia, attempts have been made to increase this rate. As a consequence, the number of potential donors with confirmed brain death was observed to have steadily increased during the 2004-2008 period. ⋯ Study results showed a steady increase in the number of donors and organs per donor at Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital during the 2004-2008 period. More intensive education should be organized at medical schools and for medical professionals to identify brain death persons and potential donors. In addition, mass media campaigns should improve public awareness and perception of the issue.
Acta clinica Croatica · Sep 2009
Case ReportsSpontaneous pneumomediastinum in a healthy adolescent.
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is a rare clinical entity defined as the presence of free air in the mediastinal structures without an apparent cause such as trauma. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is rare in children and most frequently occurs in young male patients. It usually develops after alveolar rupture and air penetration into the pulmonary interstice, followed by air penetration towards the hila and into the mediastinum. ⋯ A case is presented of pneumomediastinum in a 17-year-old male adolescent with no relevant history but with a clinical picture of intense retrosternal pain and subcutaneous emphysema of the neck and supraclavicular region. Thorough examinations including chest x-ray, chest computed tomography, bronchoscopy and esophagoscopy failed to identify the cause of pneumomediastinum. After eight days of conservative treatment, the pneumomediastinum symptoms completely disappeared and x-ray showed resolution of pneumomediastinum.
Acta clinica Croatica · Sep 2009
Clinical TrialGabapentin in the prophylaxis of cluster headache: an observational open label study.
Cluster headache is an extremely painful syndrome that occurs more frequently in men. Although periodic in most cases, cluster headache has a considerable impact on the patient quality of life. Acute therapy is usually not sufficient and most patients warrant prophylactic treatment. ⋯ Adverse events were reported in 8/14 (57.14%) patients and were generally of mild to moderate severity. The most frequently reported adverse events were drowsiness, dizziness, slowness and constipation. There were no drop-outs due to adverse events.
Acta clinica Croatica · Sep 2009
The contralateral carotid disease in patients with internal carotid artery occlusion.
The one-year incidence of carotid occlusion is 6/100 000 inhabitants in general population. Stroke incidence and mortality rate in these patients vary. Patients that underwent carotid endarterectomy (CES) are at a higher risk of progression of contralateral carotid stenosis. ⋯ In 21 (30%) patients the disease progressed to subtotal stenosis and 18 patients underwent carotid surgery. Accordingly, contralateral carotid disease progression was observed in one third of patients with carotid occlusion. Additional studies on the issue are needed.