Skin research and technology : official journal of International Society for Bioengineering and the Skin (ISBS) [and] International Society for Digital Imaging of Skin (ISDIS) [and] International Society for Skin Imaging (ISSI)
Skin expansion is a physiological process that is defined as the ability of the human skin to increase its superficial area in response to stress or to a given deformation. Skin expanders are silicon bags that are implanted underneath the skin. Because the skin presents creep or relaxation, the resulting stress decreases after a time due to the imposed deformation. Skin expansions are used to reconstruct burned areas and breasts after a mastectomy or to hide scars. ⋯ fci, Correcting factor, which corrects the mathematical formulas using the experimental results, for i skin expander; i, geometry of the expander, round (c), rectangular (r), or crescent (cresc/cr); Sd , surface of the defect; Sds , surface area of the donor site; Sfi, surface area obtained using a mathematical calculation for the i skin expander; S¯fi, surface area obtained experimentally for the i skin expander; Sfi∗, corrected surface area obtained using a mathematical calculation for the i skin expander corrected by the correcting factor; S¯fi∗∗ extra flap of skin obtained by expansion for the i skin expander; Vii, internal volume infiltrated in the i skin expander; Vni, nominal internal volume of the i skin expander.