Enfermería intensiva
While we were drafting the recommendations for the joint contingency plan between the Spanish Society of Intensive Care and Coronary Unit Nursing (SEEIUC) and the Spanish Society of Intensive and Critical Care Medicine and Coronary Units (SEMICYUC), predictions were overtaken by events with regard to the magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic. Members informed us of the lack of personal protection equipment (PPE), the rapid provision of improvised ICUs in various hospital areas and the recruitment of nurses to cover shifts. The failure to recognise the specialty of critical care nursing, included in the macro-specialty of medical-surgical nursing and not yet developed, has highlighted the urgent need to learn from our mistakes: specialisation, increase the number of nurses in teams and protect the public health system.
Enfermería intensiva · Apr 2020
Practice GuidelineContingency Plan for the Intensive Care Services for the COVID-19 pandemic.
In January 2020, the Chinese authorities identified a new virus of the Coronaviridae family as the cause of several cases of pneumonia of unknown aetiology. The outbreak was initially confined to Wuhan City, but then spread outside Chinese borders. On 31 January 2020, the first case was declared in Spain. ⋯ In this situation, the Scientific Societies SEMICYUC and SEEIUC, have decided to draw up this Contingency Plan to guide the response of the Intensive Care Services. The objectives of this plan are to estimate the magnitude of the problem and identify the necessary human and material resources. This is to provide the Spanish Intensive Medicine Services with a tool to programme optimal response strategies.
Enfermería intensiva · Apr 2020
Burnout syndrome in intensive care professionals: relationships with health status and wellbeing.
To determine the predictive models that include the dimensions of burnout that are predictors for physical/mental health, and subjective/psychological wellbeing perceived in intensive care professionals; to analyse the relationships between burnout syndrome, health status and wellbeing experienced by these professionals; and to establish sociodemographic differences in the variables evaluated. ⋯ Health status and levels of subjective/psychological wellbeing can be negatively influenced by the burnout syndrome experienced by intensive care professionals. As a result, the implementation of programmes to prevent and treat this syndrome is needed. These preventive interventions can positively impact not only the health and wellbeing of these professionals, but can also improve their ability to practice effectively, improve healthcare quality and patient security, and reduce the economic costs of health institutions. It is therefore imperative to implement burnout preventive programmes for intensive care professionals from universities to health institutions.
Enfermería intensiva · Jan 2020
Multicenter Study Observational StudyAssessment of analgesia, sedation, physical restraint and delirium in patients admitted to Spanish intensive care units. Proyecto ASCyD.
Main aim: To determine the Spanish intensive care units (ICU) that assess and record pain levels, sedation/agitation, delirium and the use of physical restraint (PR) as standard practice. Secondary aims: To determine the use of validated assessment tools and to explore patients' levels of pain and sedation/agitation, the prevalence of delirium, and the use of PR. ⋯ The assessment of pain, sedation and delirium is demonstrated, and low percentages of agitation and delirium achieved. We observed a high percentage of patients with pain, and moderate use of PC. We should generalise the use of protocols to assess, prevent and treat pain and delirium by appropriately managing analgesia, sedation, and individual and well-considered use of PC. (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT03773874).