Substance use & misuse
Substance use & misuse · Jan 2021
Cannabis Use and Nonfatal Opioid Overdose among Patients Enrolled in Methadone Maintenance Treatment.
Some ecological studies found lower rates of opioid overdose in states with liberalized cannabis legislation, but results are mixed, and the association has not been analyzed in individuals. We quantified the association between cannabis use and nonfatal opioid overdose among individuals enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) for opioid use disorder (OUD). ⋯ Among individuals enrolled in MMT, frequent cannabis use in the past month was associated with fewer self-reported nonfatal opioid overdoses in the past year. Methodological limitations caution against causal interpretation of this relationship. Additional studies are needed to understand the prospective impact of co-occurring cannabis on opioid-related outcomes.
Substance use & misuse · Jan 2021
Misuse of Prescription and Illicit Drugs in Middle Adulthood in the Context of the Opioid Epidemic.
Background: The United States' opioid epidemic continues to escalate overdose deaths. Understanding its extent is complicated by concurrent misuse of other prescription or illicit drugs, increasing risk for overdose. Current surveillance using electronic medical records and police data has limitations and frequently fails to distinguish middle-aged adults from other age groups in reporting. ⋯ Race/ethnicity was not significantly associated with prescription opioid misuse. Conclusions/Importance: Our analysis shows those misusing prescription opioids are at high risk of misusing other prescription and illicit drugs. Practitioners and researchers should consider concurrent drug misuse when treating and studying opioid misuse disorders.
Substance use & misuse · Jan 2021
Gender Differences in Patterns and Correlates of Continued Substance Use among Patients in Methadone Maintenance Treatment.
Continued substance use is common during opioid use disorder (OUD) treatment. There are still inconsistencies in how continued substance use and concurrent patterns of substance use among patients with OUD varies by gender. There is still more to learn regarding how factors associated with continued and concurrent use might differ for men and women in methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). ⋯ Among men, Classes 2 and 3 consisted of Alcohol/Cannabis Users (21.9%) and Cannabis/Stimulant/Opioid Users (25.3%). Ever using Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone) and depression/anxiety symptoms were significantly linked to substance use group among women, whereas homelessness and employment status were significantly associated with substance use group among men. Conclusions: This study furthers understanding of gender differences in factors associated with continued substance use and distinctive patterns of concurrent substance use that may guide tailored treatments among patients MMT.
During the last decade, drug abuse rates, particularly prescription drugs, have increased. Simultaneously, music consumption has dramatically increased, and the leading genre is currently rap music. While the casual relationship is debated, musical preference is related to substance misuse and other risky behaviors. ⋯ Xanax & Adderall) (10%). Yearly trends indicate that alcohol lyrics are declining, illicit drug lyrics remain stable, and prescription drug lyrics increase. Conclusions/Importance: The rise in music consumption with rap music leading in popularity and 72% of songs celebrating drug usage is a concerning trend, especially as prescription drug misuse is rising in popularity within rap music.
Substance use & misuse · Jan 2021
Negative Consequences of Alcohol Use among People Living with HIV.
Introduction: Among people living with HIV (PLWH), alcohol use can have negative impacts beyond HIV-related outcomes. The objectives of this study are to identify the most common alcohol-related consequences among PLWH in Florida and describe factors associated with experiencing more alcohol-related consequences. Methods: Data were collected from PLWH in the Florida Cohort study who drank at least monthly in the past year (n=397). ⋯ The most common consequences were doing something they regretted and taking foolish risks (both endorsed by 37% of participants), both in the impulse control domain. After controlling for alcohol use and other covariates, homelessness and injection drug use remained significantly associated with greater SIP-2R scores. Conclusion: PLWH who are experiencing homelessness or injecting drugs could benefit from receiving additional screening for alcohol-related consequences if they report any alcohol use.