Substance use & misuse
Substance use & misuse · Jun 2012
The science and practice of medication-assisted treatments for opioid dependence.
This paper briefly reviews the evolution of opioid addiction treatment from humanitarian to scientific and evidence-based, the evidence bases supporting major medication-assisted treatments and adjunctive psychosocial techniques, as well as challenges faced by clinicians and treatment providers seeking to provide those treatments. Attitudes, politics, policy, and financial issues are discussed.
While a significant body of literature documents the health problems of children caused by and/or associated with parental alcohol misuse, little research has been conducted on the relationship between parental problem drinking and children's use of health care. We should expect to see an increase in children's health care if alcohol-misusing parents were responsive to their children's higher physical and mental health needs. ⋯ We also find evidence linking parental drinking to more emergency room use. These findings suggest that the impact of parental drinking on child wellbeing should be considered when assessing the full costs of alcohol misuse.
Substance use & misuse · Feb 2012
Population, professional, and client support for different models of managing addictive behaviors.
This study, funded by the Academy of Finland, explores how different stakeholder groups in Finland attribute responsibility for various addictions. A random general population survey and surveys with addiction treatment professionals and clients (n = 1,338) were conducted in 2007-2008. The data were analyzed with analyses of variance and logistic regression analysis. ⋯ Some signs of the actor-observer asymmetry were observed. Personal addiction experiences and sex were the major predictors of the average response tendencies. The heavy emphasis on individual responsibility may prevent help-seeking.
Substance use & misuse · Jan 2012
Screening for addictive disorders within a workers' compensation clinic: an exploratory study.
We conducted a cross-sectional study investigating the extent of addictive disorders within a workers' compensation (WC) clinic. We also examined the feasibility of substance abuse screening within the same clinic. ⋯ Importantly, the addition of this screening was brief, economical, and well accepted by patients. Further research should analyze the costs and benefits of detection and intervention of substance-related disorders in this setting.