British journal of anaesthesia
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Magnesium and coronary revascularization.
Twenty patients, who underwent coronary revascularization without cardioplegic arrest, were given (during cardiopulmonary bypass) either magnesium chloride 16 mmol in 10 ml of water (magnesium group) or 10 ml of water alone (control group). Plasma and urinary magnesium concentrations were measured for 24 h after operation. ECG was recorded continuously during this period. ⋯ Urinary magnesium excretion was higher in the magnesium group, with 58% of the administered magnesium excreted in the first 24 h. The observed incidence of frequent or ventricular arrhythmias was 22% in the magnesium group compared with 63% in the control group. No significant differences in QTcorr intervals were observed between the groups.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Postoperative analgesia by continuous extradural infusion of bupivacaine and diamorphine.
Three solutions administered by continuous extradural infusion for postoperative analgesia were compared in a randomized, double-blind manner. All patients underwent major abdominal gynaecological surgery and received 0.125% bupivacaine in 0.9% saline, diamorphine in 0.9% saline (0.5 mg in 15 ml) or diamorphine mixed with 0.125% bupivacaine (0.5 mg in 15 ml), at a rate of 15 ml h-1. The bupivacaine-diamorphine mixture provided significantly superior analgesia compared with either bupivacaine or diamorphine alone. No major side effects were encountered.
Comparative Study
Decontamination of halothane from anaesthetic machines achieved by continuous flushing with oxygen.
The contamination of four types of anaesthetic machine with halothane was sequentially sampled by mass spectrometry while the machines were continuously flushed with oxygen 8 litre min-1 for up to 24 h. Contamination decreased in an exponential manner. Machines fitted with Selectatec vaporizer mounting systems and with the vaporizer removed showed contamination less than 0.02 parts per million (p.p.m.) of halothane after 12 h flushing. ⋯ Background contamination concentrations of greater than 0.05 p.p.m. were measured in a patient-free recovery area of an operating theatre suite. Concentrations increased to 1 p.p.m. when patients were admitted following halothane anaesthesia. Decontamination of anaesthetic machines to concentrations of halothane below those detected as background contamination within recovery areas may allow such machines to be used safely to anaesthetize patients at risk from halothane.
Alfentanil was administered, together with midazolam, as part of a total i.v. anaesthetic technique. The pharmacokinetics of alfentanil were determined in 10 female patients undergoing lower abdominal surgery. The dose regimen of alfentanil, based on simulation studies, consisted of a two-stage infusion following an initial bolus dose. ⋯ Neither lower abdominal surgery nor the simultaneous administration of midazolam seemed to affect the kinetics of alfentanil as compared with results from studies in healthy volunteers. The short half-life of alfentanil, resulting from a small volume of distribution, makes it suitable as part of a total i.v. technique. Consideration must be paid, however, to interindividual differences in the pharmacodynamic response and in plasma clearance.