J Trauma
Multicenter Study
Significance of minimal or no intraperitoneal fluid visible on CT scan associated with blunt liver and splenic injuries: a multicenter analysis.
The use of ultrasound (U/S) for the evaluation of patients with blunt abdominal trauma is gaining increasing acceptance. Patients who would have undergone computed tomographic (CT) scan may now be evaluated solely with U/S. Solid organ injuries with minimal or no free fluid may be missed by surgeon sonographers. ⋯ Data from this study suggest that injuries to the liver or spleen with minimal or no intraperitoneal fluid visible on CT scan occur more frequently than predicted but usually are of minimal clinical significance. However, patients with splenic injuries may be missed by abdominal U/S. We found a 5% associated risk of bleeding. Therefore, abdominal U/S should not be used as the sole diagnostic modality in all stable patients at risk for blunt abdominal injury.
Although psychiatric disturbances are highly prevalent among traumatically injured inpatients, few investigations have assessed the impact of these disorders on surgical length of stay (LOS) and cost. ⋯ Patients with recognized psychiatric disorders uniquely impact inpatient trauma surgery LOS and cost. Additional investigations of the processes and outcomes of care could lead to cost-effective performance improvement efforts that target the amelioration of comorbid psychiatric disorders among physically injured trauma survivors.
Current techniques for assessment of chest trauma rely on clinical diagnoses or scoring systems. However, there is no generally accepted standard for early judgement of the severity of these injuries, especially in regards to related complications. This drawback may have a significant impact on the management of skeletal injuries, which are frequently associated with chest trauma. However, no convincing conclusions can be determined until standardization of the degrees of chest trauma is achieved. We investigated the role of early clinical and radiologic assessment techniques on outcome in patients with blunt multiple trauma and thoracic injuries and developed a new scoring system for early evaluation of chest trauma. ⋯ Radiographically determined injuries to the lung parenchyma have a closer association with adverse outcome than chest-wall injuries but are often not diagnosed until 24 hours after injury. Therefore, clinical decision making, such as about the choice of surgery for long bone fractures, may be flawed if this information is used alone. A new thoracic trauma severity score may serve as an additional tool to improve the accuracy of the prediction of thoracic trauma-related complications.
There have been several attempts to develop a scoring system that can accurately reflect the severity of a trauma patient's injuries, particularly with respect to the effect of the injury on survival. Current methodologies require unreliable physiologic data for the assignment of a survival probability and fail to account for the potential synergism of different injury combinations. The purpose of this study was to develop a scoring system to better estimate probability of mortality on the basis of information that is readily available from the hospital discharge sheet and does not rely on physiologic data. ⋯ The HARM score is an effective tool for predicting probability of in-hospital mortality for trauma patients. It outperforms both the TRISS and ICD9-CM Injury Severity Score (ICISS) methodologies with respect to both discrimination and calibration, using information that is readily available from hospital discharge coding, and without requiring emergency department physiologic data.
The purpose of this study was to quantify the relationship between negative base excess (base deficit) and lactate as correlates of oxygen debt and the probability of the early acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) response and with regard to the mediator and metabolic response characteristic of this disease. ⋯ These data suggest that the maximum posttrauma oxygen debt (quantified by the ischemia correlates of negative base excess and lactate) is a critical primary determinant of the later fulminant autoinflammatory EARLY ARDS response mediated by the host's endogenous cytokine mediators.