J Buon
Understanding the alterations in cellular protein interactions and their relations to genetic mutations that cause renal cell carcinoma (RCC) provides a unique opportunity for the development of disease-specific therapy for patients with advanced forms of this disease. There is substantial evidence of an association between mutation on von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) gene and the earliest stages of tumorigenesis of RCC. The main consequence of VHL loss is the upregulation of downstream proangiogenic factors leading to highly vascular tumors. ⋯ Future approaches to targeted therapy should focus on optimizing the use of current active drugs, exploring their combinations or investigating their sequential use. In addition, it is important to define the mechanisms of resistance on their use and to further investigate biomarkers and enhance treatment efficacy for the individual patients. The development of these targeted therapies represents an exciting step forward in the treatment of advanced RCC.
Review Historical Article
Importance of molecular computer modeling in anticancer drug development.
Increasing insight into the genetics and molecular biology of cancer has resulted in the identification of an increasing number of potential molecular targets for anticancer drug discovery and development. These targets can be approached through exploitation of emerging structural biology, "rational" drug design, screening of chemical libraries, or a combination of these methods. The result is the rapid discovery of new anticancer drugs. ⋯ In this article we discuss the application of molecular modeling, molecular docking and virtual molecular high-throughput, targeted drug screening to anticancer drug discovery. Currently, scientists are focusing on designing and discovering potential inhibitors against cancer-related proteins that play critical roles in the development of a variety of tumors. Future research breakthroughs with the aid of computer-aided molecular design and chemo-bioinformatics will bring not only new hope, but also create a new class of anticancer drugs that will help millions of cancer patients.