J Buon
To evaluate the predicting factors for non-sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastases in T1-2 invasive breast cancer with 1-2 metastatic SLN that fully matched the ACOSOG Z0011 criteria. Also, to develop a scoring system to predict the risk of non-SLN metastasis and to discriminate the low-risk patients for omission of the axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) in this population. ⋯ The present Ondokuz Mayis model with an AUC of 0.88 showed excellent discrimination capacity to distinguish patients at low risk for positive non-SLN from high risk patients and could help spare ALND in an important portion of patients.
Historical Article
Aretaeus of Cappadocia (ca 1st-3rd century AD): views on hepatic cancer.
Aretaeus lived in an era when cancer was known to be a fatal disease. He had understood both liver's capacity to regenerate, and its vital role for the body's homeostasis, and proposed the treatment to confront hepatic cancer. Although human's anatomy was well studied, especially in the Alexandrian School, and a plethora of surgical instruments and techniques were available, he had suggested a more holistic-palliative approach for hepatic cancer by applying a suitable dietetic regime, pain killers and psychological support.