Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2019
ReviewAcute pain management in trauma: anatomy, ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks and special considerations.
Pain is the most common complaint amongst trauma patients throughout the perioperative period. Multimodal analgesia is currently being regarded the mainstay, with regional anesthesia techniques constituting an integral part of it. ⋯ In this review, we set out to provide several examples of injuries, to elucidate the precise anatomy of fractured bones (osteotomes), and to elaborate on certain peripheral nerve blocks employed in pain management of trauma patients. Controversies/special considerations pertaining to peripheral nerve blocks also dictate thorough analysis: as such, acute compartment syndrome, acute peripheral nerve injuries, regional anesthesia in awake or anesthetized patients, continuous peripheral nerve blocks, positioning limitations and, finally, ultrasound imaging versus neurostimulation techniques are extensively reviewed.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2019
ReviewDeath by neurologic criteria: pathophysiology, definition, diagnostic criteria and tests.
Death by neurologic criteria is an irreversible sequence of events culminating in permanent cessation of cerebral functions. In this context, there are no responses arising from the brain, no cranial nerve reflexes nor motor responses to pain stimuli, and no respiratory drive. ⋯ The diagnosis, confirmation, and certification of death are core skills for medical practitioners. The aim of this review is to discuss the pathophysiology and definition of death by neurological criteria, describing the clinical assessment, and the use of ancillary tests for the diagnosis of brainstem death.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2019
Comparative Study Observational StudyLMA protector versus traditional LMA for performing endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA), a retrospective analysis.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of laryngeal mask airway (LMA)® Protector™ by comparison with traditional LMA for performing endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA). ⋯ EBUS-TBNA conducted with LMA Protector is a useful strategy that reduced the procedural time and in theory ensured the comfort of patients. Our results should be confirmed by larger, prospective, randomized studies.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2019
Practice GuidelinePerioperative hemostatic management in the cirrhotic patient: a position paper on behalf of the Liver Intensive Care Group of Europe (LICAGE).
Recent data demonstrated that amongst patients undergoing elective surgery the prevalence of cirrhosis is 0.8% equating to approximately 25 million cirrhotic patients undergoing surgery each year worldwide. Overall, the presence of cirrhosis is independently associated with 47% increased risk of postoperative complications and over two and a half-increased risk of in-hospital mortality in patients undergoing elective surgery. ⋯ However, recent evidence outlined significant changes to traditional knowledge and beliefs and, nowadays, with more sophisticated laboratory tests, it has been shown that patients with chronic liver disease may be in hemostatic balance as a result of concomitant changes in both pro- and antihemostatic pathways. The aim of this paper endorsed by the Liver Intensive Care Group of Europe was to provide an up-to-date overview of coagulation management in perioperative patients with chronic liver disease focusing on patient blood management, monitoring of hemostasis, and current role of hemostatic agents.
Minerva anestesiologica · Jul 2019
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyHemadsorption during cardiopulmonary bypass reduces interleukin 8 and tumor necrosis factor α serum levels in cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial.
Surgical trauma and cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) are associated with the liberation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. With hemadsorption (Cytosorb®) during CPB, pro-inflammatory cytokines may be reduced and the inflammatory response may be decreased. ⋯ This prospective study shows a significant reduction in pro-inflammatory cytokine levels of Il-8 and TNFα with hemadsorption in on-pump cardiac surgery whilst also demonstrating safety in its applications. However, the differences in cytokine levels and CI between patients treated with hemadsorption and those without were minor and of short duration.