Minerva anestesiologica
Minerva anestesiologica · Apr 2022
ReviewOpioid use, misuse, and abuse: a narrative review about interventions to reduce opioid consumption and related adverse events in the perioperative setting.
Opioids remain the most potent and predictable drug available for perioperative analgesia and moderate-to-severe cancer-related pain. However, their efficacy has been questioned in other clinical settings. ⋯ Thus, there has been a significant effort to develop strategies to curtail their unnecessary prescription. Here, we summarize the history, current trends, and new directions in perioperative opioid prescription in an unbiased manner.
Minerva anestesiologica · Apr 2022
Multicenter StudyDoes the definition of fluid responsiveness affect passive leg raising reliability? A methodological ancillary analysis from a multicentric study.
Fluid challenge (FC) is often adopted as gold standard used to assess the reliability of passive leg raising (PLR) in predicting fluid responsiveness in the intensive care unit (ICU). This study aimed to address the impact of the different definitions and timings used to assess FC response on PLR reliability. ⋯ The reliability of the PLR test to predict fluid responsiveness depends on the definition of FC adopted. The timing of FC outcome assessment affected the overall fluid responsiveness.
The aim of this study was to revise the etiologic features about Tapia's Syndrome (TS), a condition to particularly consider in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. ⋯ TS is a rare syndrome that has been related to a combined cranial nerve palsy; while TS due to central causes is very rare, it is mainly related to peripheral causes. A particular attention to TS should be given during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, either since the correlation between Tapia's syndrome, airway management and anesthetic procedures, since the possible implication of the viral infection itself.
Minerva anestesiologica · Apr 2022
Randomized Controlled TrialAdductor canal block performed 20 hours after total knee arthroplasty to improve postoperative analgesia and functional recovery: a double-blind randomized controlled clinical trial.
The goal of postoperative pain protocols in total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is to get pain free patients throughout severe pain period without impairing walking ability. The aim of the study was to investigate if an adductor canal block performed 20 hours after TKA, in patients treated with systemic analgesia and intraoperative local infiltration anesthesia (LIA), improves postoperative pain and functional outcomes. ⋯ An adductor canal block done 20 hours after total knee arthroplasty reduces pain and opioid requirements without increasing the risk of falls. An optimal pain control, especially at movement was not achieved.