Journal of neurophysiology
Nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) is a protective reaction to a noxious stimulus, resulting in withdrawal of the affected area and thus preventing potential tissue damage. This involuntary reaction consists of neural circuits, biomechanical strategies, and muscle activity that ensure an optimal withdrawal. Studies of lower limb NWR indicate that the amplitude of the NWR is highly modulated by extrinsic and intrinsic factors, such as stimulation site, intensity, frequency, and supraspinal activity, among others. ⋯ NEW & NOTEWORTHY Innate defensive behaviors such as reflexes are found across all species, constituting preprogrammed responses to external threats that are not anticipated. Previous studies indicated that the excitability of the reflex arcs like spinal nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) pathways in humans are modulated by several cognitive factors. This study assesses how the predictability of a threat affects the biomechanical pattern of the withdrawal response, showing that distal and proximal muscles are differentially modulated by descending control.
Auditory gamma-band (>30 Hz) activity is a biomarker of cortical excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance in autism, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. We provide a comprehensive account of the effects of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on gamma responses. Forty-five healthy young adults listened to 40-Hz auditory click trains while electroencephalography (EEG) data were collected to measure stimulus-related gamma activity immediately before and after 10 min of 1 mA tACS (40 Hz), tDCS, or sham stimulation to left auditory cortex. tACS, but not tDCS, increased gamma power and phase locking to the auditory stimulus. ⋯ NEW & NOTEWORTHY Gamma frequency-tuned transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) adjusts the magnitude and timing of auditory gamma responses, as compared with both sham stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS). However, both tACS and tDCS strengthen the gamma phase connectome, which is disrupted in numerous neurological and psychiatric disorders. These findings reveal dissociable neurophysiological changes following two noninvasive neurostimulation techniques commonly applied in clinical and research settings.
This study quantified eight small-molecule neurotransmitters collected simultaneously from prefrontal cortex of C57BL/6J mice (n = 23) during wakefulness and during isoflurane anesthesia (1.3%). Using isoflurane anesthesia as an independent variable enabled evaluation of the hypothesis that isoflurane anesthesia differentially alters concentrations of multiple neurotransmitters and their interactions. Machine learning was applied to reveal higher order interactions among neurotransmitters. ⋯ NEW & NOTEWORTHY This study discovered that interactions between neurotransmitters in mouse prefrontal cortex were altered during isoflurane anesthesia relative to wakefulness. Machine learning further demonstrated that, relative to wakefulness, higher order interactions among neurotransmitters were disrupted during isoflurane administration. These findings extend to the neurochemical domain the concept that anesthetic-induced loss of wakefulness results from a disruption of neural network connectivity.
The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in cold block of unmyelinated C fibers in the tibial nerve by preconditioning with heating and to develop a safe method for thermal block of C-fiber conduction. In seven cats under α-chloralose anesthesia, C-fiber-evoked potentials elicited by electrical stimulation were recorded on the tibial nerve during block of axonal conduction induced by exposing a small segment (9 mm) of the nerve to cooling (from 35°C to ≤5°C) or heating (45°C). Before heating, partial, reproducible, and reversible cold block was first detected at a threshold cold block temperature of 15°C and complete cold block occurred at a temperature of ≤5°C. ⋯ NEW & NOTEWORTHY Our study discovered that the temperature range for producing a partial to complete cold block of mammalian C-fiber axons can be increased from 5-15°C to 15-25°C on average after a preheating at 45°C. This discovery raises many basic scientific questions about the influence of temperature on nerve conduction and block. It also raises the possibility of developing a novel implantable nerve block device to treat many chronic diseases including chronic pain.