Arch Neurol Chicago
Arch Neurol Chicago · Apr 2000
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical TrialAdhesion molecules in multiple sclerosis: relation to subtypes of disease and methylprednisolone therapy.
To determine levels of adhesion molecules in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples from patients with different subtypes and activities of multiple sclerosis (MS) and to assess the effect of intravenous methylprednisolone sodium succinate treatment on the levels of soluble adhesion molecules. ⋯ Up-regulated adhesion molecules in blood and CSF indicate sustained potential for inflammation in the CNS throughout the clinical spectrum of MS. Therapies interfering with cell adhesion may be of key importance in suppressing MS.
Arch Neurol Chicago · Apr 2000
Frequency of SCA1, SCA2, SCA3/MJD, SCA6, SCA7, and DRPLA CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion in patients with hereditary spinocerebellar ataxia from Chinese kindreds.
To assess the frequency of SCA1 (spinocerebellar ataxia type 1), SCA2, SCA3/MJD (spinocerebellar ataxia type 3/Machado-Joseph disease), SCA6, SCA7, and DRPLA (dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy) CAG trinucleotide repeat expansions [(CAG)n] among persons diagnosed with hereditary SCA from Chinese families. ⋯ The frequency of SCA3/MJD is substantially higher than that of SCA1 and SCA2 in patients with autosomal dominant SCA from Chinese kindreds, who are non-Portuguese. Clinical expressions of the various types of SCAs overlap one another; therefore, for clinical study it is important to make a gene diagnosis and genetic classification for patients with SCA.
Arch Neurol Chicago · Apr 2000
Historical ArticleThe history of tabes dorsalis and the impact of observational studies in neurology.
It is common for a particular aspect of scientific knowledge to undergo a great advance in a brief period of time after the discovery of new investigational procedures that broaden research horizons. Knowledge of neurosyphilis increased markedly during the second half of the 19th century. As revealed by the example of tabes dorsalis, this progress was not related to new research methods but instead to the impetus of careful clinical observations.