Gastroen Clin Biol
Peripheral blood T lymphocytes and T lymphocytes subsets have been quantified by an indirect immunofluorescence technique using monoclonal antibodies, in 10 patients with fatty liver, 8 with acute alcoholic hepatitis (AAH), 10 with inactive cirrhosis and 7 with cirrhosis and AAH. Twenty normal subjects were studied as controls. ⋯ In both groups, this increased ratio was due to a decreased proportion of OKT8+ circulating lymphocytes (19.2 +/- 6.7 p. 100, p less than 0.01, and 21.8 +/- 4.6 p. 100, p less than 0.02, respectively) when compared to controls (27.1 +/- 4.1 p. 100). The T-cell imbalance observed in patients with liver cell necrosis may be of importance in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease.