Gastroen Clin Biol
The past 30 years have been witnessing major progress in the knowledge and management of liver diseases. Approximately 29 million people in European Union suffer from chronic liver disease. ⋯ The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) has launched in 2006 an ambitious public policy and communication action in order to get recognition of liver diseases as a major cause of morbidity and mortality in Europe and push for appropriate measures. The future of hepatology as a specialty will depend on the success of this initiative.
Pathophysiology of inflammatory bowel diseases depends on the interaction between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors leading to a deregulated immune intestinal response resulting in bowel lesions. Epidemiologic variations of inflammatory bowel diseases with time (incidence, prevalence) and space suggest a role for risk environmental factors, but so far only smoking habits and appendectomy have been identified as influencing the risk of occurrence and the course of the diseases. ⋯ Thus, new hypothesis include a key role of mucosal human microbiota which could be partly influenced by environmental factors generated by modern life. The improvement of life hygiene, the change of food composition and habits, the industrial pollution in developed countries, may influence, directly or by the way of modifying intestinal human microbiota, inflammatory bowel diseases risk occurrence.