Gastroen Clin Biol
Case Reports
Long-term survival after portal vein arterialization for portal vein thrombosis in orthotopic liver transplantation.
Portal vein thrombosis is a relatively common finding during liver transplantation. The management of portal vein thrombosis during liver transplantation is technically demanding and ensures adequate portal flow to the liver graft. Eversion thromboendovenectomy and bypass using a patent splanchnic vein and cavoportal hemitransposition are the most often used procedures to treat portal vein thrombosis. ⋯ With a 6-year follow-up, there are no symptoms related to portal hypertension, liver function is normal. However, an aneurismal dilatation of the portal branches has progressively developed. Calibrated portal vein arterialization is a possible option for portal vein thrombosis in liver transplantation, allowing long-term patient and graft survival.