The Medical journal of Australia
Neuronal depigmentation, necrosis, and increased pigment (melanin) and iron depositions in the perivascular spaces have been observed in the substantia nigra in chronic alcoholics. Eosinophilic nuclear inclusions, the significance of which remains unclear, were noted with an increased frequency within the nuclei of the substantia nigra neurons.
An analysis has been made of 2144 consecutive cases of latrodectism (envenomation by the red-back spider, Latrodectus mactans hasselti) reported to the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories. In the last eight years, notifications have averaged 240 cases per annum. Bites, usually on the extremities (74%), occurred most frequently in the summer months, and in the afternoon or evening. ⋯ Although 11 anaphylactic reactions (0.54%) were reported, no deaths resulted either from the venom or from reactions to the antivenom. Few delayed serum reactions (1.7%) were recorded. The action of the venom is described and the management of red-back spider bite is outlined.
Six children affected by the fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) are described. Their ages vary from newborn to 15 years. ⋯ Four have additional congenital anomalies, and at least four are mentally retarded. These children are described to increase awareness of the FAS in Australia, whose population has a high and changing pattern of alcohol consumption.
This paper reviews the part which prior consumption of alcohol played in motor vehicular fatalities in Geelong and district between January, 1967, and June, 1978. There were 344 deaths of persons aged 17 years and older within four hours after the accident. ⋯ A high degree of sobriety was noted among all female road traffic victims. The increasing road toll related to motorcycle accidents and the problem of legal and illegal drug use are also briefly discussed.