The Medical journal of Australia
To examine factors that influence medical practitioners' treatment decisions for patients with life-threatening or terminal illnesses. ⋯ Treatment provided is significantly determined by the individual characteristics of the doctor and not solely by the nature of the medical problem. Participation in the informed-consent process and in the preparation of advance health care directives would enable practitioners to be familiar with patient and family wishes and could reduce variations of treatment related to sociodemographic and medical training factors. Stronger empirical data on the way that treatment decisions are made could provide the basis for an informed euthanasia policy.
To examine management of cellulitis in a tertiary teaching hospital, identify inefficiencies and suggest revised management guidelines. ⋯ Management of inpatients with cellulitis is inefficient, with excessive use of microbiological investigations, inadequate investigation and treatment of underlying disease, prolonged use of intravenous antibiotics, unnecessarily long hospital stays, questionable use of combination antibiotic therapy and excessive outpatient review (rather than review by a local medical practitioner).