The Medical journal of Australia
Editorial Comment
"May contain traces of...": hidden food allergens in Australia.
More accurate food labelling would assist consumers and the food industry alike.
To examine whether hospital patients with cancer who were identified as Indigenous were as likely to receive surgery for the cancer as non-Indigenous patients. ⋯ These results indicate a different pattern of surgical care for Indigenous patients in relation to lung and prostate, but not breast, cancer. Reasons for these disparities, such as treatment choice and barriers to care, require further investigation.
Multicenter Study
A multifaceted health-service intervention in remote Aboriginal communities: 3-year follow-up of the impact on diabetes care.
To examine the trends in processes of diabetes care and in participant outcomes after an intervention in two remote regions of Australia. ⋯ Multifaceted interventions can improve quality of care in this environment, but achieving sustainable, high-quality care in a range of services and local conditions presents particular challenges. Developing and testing strategies for consistent and sustained improvement should be a priority for service providers and researchers.
Australian criminal law is a matter for states and territories. In relation to abortion, many laws are unclear and outdated, and are inconsistent between states and territories. ⋯ All jurisdictions should follow the Australian Capital Territory's lead in allowing women to access abortion without fear of criminal prosecution. Federal, state and territory governments should introduce a single clear national law on abortion, both in early and late pregnancy.