The Medical journal of Australia
Biography Historical Article
Vladimir Albert Lovric, MB BS, FRCPA, DipClinPath, GradDipPH, FRCPath, FRACP.
Multicenter Study
Acute heart failure admissions in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory: the NSW HF Snapshot Study.
The primary aim of the NSW Heart Failure (HF) Snapshot was to obtain a representative cross-sectional view of patients with acute HF and their management in New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory hospitals. ⋯ Patients admitted to hospital with acute HF in NSW and the ACT were generally elderly and frail, with multiple comorbidities. Evidence-based therapies were underused, and there was substantial interhospital variation in the length of stay. We anticipate that the results of the HF Snapshot will inform the development of strategies for improving the uptake of evidence-based therapies, and hence outcomes, for HF patients.