Bratisl Med J
In addition to ventricular arrhythmias, various forms of supraventricular arrhythmias (SVA) and atrioventricular (AV) and intraventricular (IV) conduction disturbances occur also in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In the setting of AMI, SVA may be caused by relevant atrial ischemia or infarction. SVA complicate the course especially that of inferior, posterior and lateral AMI. ⋯ The major cause of death in these patients are heart failure, cardiogenic shock and malignant ventricular arrhythmias due to larger AMI, significant reduction of left ventricular function and advanced coronary heart disease. Complex SVA as well as serious AV and IV conduction disturbances are usually considered as markers, but not as independent predictors for both increased hospital mortality and in some cases also for that of posthospital mortality. Their occurrence in AMI may help to identify the patients at great risk who require a very intensive treatment including aggressive management of extensive coronary heart disease. (Ref. 62.)
In addition to ventricular arrhythmias, various forms of supraventricular arrhythmias (SVA) and atrioventricular (AV) and intraventricular (IV) conduction disturbances occur also in acute myocardial infarction (AMI). In the setting of AMI, SVA may be caused by relevant atrial ischemia or infarction. SVA complicate the course especially that of inferior, posterior and lateral AMI, SVA occur frequently also in the right ventricular myocardial infarction and in pericarditis. ⋯ The major cause of death in these patients are heart failure cardiogenic shock and malignant ventricular arrthythmias due to larger AMI, significant reduction of left ventricular function and advanced coronary heart disease. Complex SVA as well as serious AV and IV conduction disturbances are usually considered as markers, but not as independent predictors for both increased hospital mortality and in some cases also for that of posthospital mortality. Their occurrence in AMI may help to identify the patients at great risk who require a very intensive treatment including aggressive management of extensive coronary heart disease. (Ref. 62.).
Medical literature provides heterogeneous author's opinions concerning the application of various laboratory animals to cough research. Therefore the cough response to chemical stimuli was compared in awake guinea-pigs, rats and rabbits. ⋯ 1. Guinea-pigs are the most useful laboratory animal for experimental studies of chemically induced cough. 2. The sensitivity of cough reflex in awake guinea-pigs could be characterised by the relationship between the intensity of cough and the concentration of the tussive agent. 3. The mechanically induced cough could be elicited in half of the rats under light urethane anaesthesia. (Fig. 4, Tab. 1, Ref. 21.)
Pulmonary oxygen toxicity is very well known and proved. The influence of hyperoxia on the respiratory reflexes is not known till now. ⋯ Long-lasting breathing of PNO induced changes of respiratory reactions elicited mainly from upper airway.(Fig. 6, Tab. 3, Ref. 22)
The cardio-respiratory interactions include mechanical, reflex and humoral mechanisms. However, in the organism they mutually overlap, thus mating their separate investigation is problematic. Mechanical effects of conventional artificial ventilation (AV) and high frequency ventilation (HFV) are elicited by increased intrapulmonary pressure during lung inflation, as well as during application of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP). ⋯ The reflex effects of artificial ventilation are due to the activation of baroreflexes and pulmo-vagally cardiac and vasoactive reflexes. Activation of these reflexes depends on the level and characteristic of the pressure in the airways, lungs, heart and vessels. Humoral effects of AV on the cardiovascular system and hemodynamics are triggered by lung expansion, circulatory changes, and they result in a release of vasoactive substances from lung parenchyma. (Fig. 5, Ref. 45.)