Scand J Urol Nephrol
Scand J Urol Nephrol · Jan 1987
The effect of oral aluminium salts on the bone of non-dialysed uremic patients.
12 patients with conservatively treated uremia were investigated using bone histomorphometry, bone aluminium concentration determination and total body bone mineral content (TBBM). The bone aluminum was raised in 10 patients and was significantly related to oral aluminium salt consumption (p less than 0.01). ⋯ Three patients had significant bone loss of whom one had osteomalacia (OM) while two had secondary hyperparathyroidism (2HP). It is concluded that 1) aluminium salt consumption results in bone aluminium accumulation, and may contribute to the mineralisation defect; 2) uremic patients not treated ith aluminium salts may have slightly raised levels, but this seems not to be clinically important; 3) secondary hyperparathyroidism causes greater destruction of bone mass than other uremic bone diseases; 4) atomic absorption spectrometry is a more sensitive method for detecting aluminium bone deposition than histochemical methods.
Scand J Urol Nephrol · Jan 1986
Case ReportsProfound accidental hypothermia treated with peritoneal dialysis.
In five women and two men, profound accidental hypothermia--core temperature on admission 24-28 degrees C--was treated with peritoneal dialysis. In two cases 16 gauge intravenous catheters were used, without difficulty, for the dialysis. ⋯ The remaining five patients recovered without cerebral sequelae. Peritoneal dialysis is a useful procedure for rewarming patients with profound accidental hypothermia.
Scand J Urol Nephrol · Jan 1986
Postoperative urinary retention. II. Micturition problems after the first catheterization.
198 out of 5220 surgical patients were catheterized because of unexpected postoperative urinary retention. In 39% of cases micturition succeeded after the first catheterization of the overdistended bladder, but 61% (58% of the males and 66% of the females) developed more copolicated voided problems. The volume of fluids given intravenously during anaesthesia, the volume of primary urinary retention and increasing age were predisposing factors for prolonged micturition difficulties. Hospitalization was protracted because of postoperative urinary retention in 21 patients, and for 20 males prostatic surgery was necessary to relieve persistent retention.
Scand J Urol Nephrol · Jan 1979
Case ReportsExtracorporeal surgery and autotransplantation for carcinoma of the pelvis and ureter.
Multiple transitional cell tumours of the renal pelvis and proximal ureter of a solitary kidney were successfully managed by total ureterectomy, extracorporeal subtotal resection of the renal pelvis, autotransplantation, and calicovesicostomy. The method permits resection of a maximum of the uroepithelium of the upper urinary tract at the same time as it preserves available renal parenchyma. It also implies a new and exciting approach to the renal pelvis for endoscopic postoperative control and local treatment of the malignancy.