Respiratory care
Pediatric critical asthma, or formerly known as status asthmaticus, is a common pediatric condition encountered in emergency departments, hospital wards, and pediatric intensive care units. Systemic corticosteroids and inhaled bronchodilators are evidence-based, initial treatments for patients with pediatric critical asthma. If clinical symptoms do not improve, pediatric practitioners often prescribe adjunctive medications including inhaled anticholinergics, intravenous ketamine, intravenous magnesium, intravenous short acting beta 2 agonists, and intravenous methylxanthines (such as aminophylline). In this narrative review, we will summarize the current evidence and present the research gaps related to these therapies in the pediatric population.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Impact of Real-Time Assessment of Pulse Oximetry on the 6-Min Walk Distance in Patients With Chronic Respiratory Disease.
Continuous monitoring of pulse oximetry (SpO2 ) is recommended during the 6-min walk test (6MWT) to ensure that the lowest SpO2 is recorded. In this case, severe exercise-induced desaturation (EID; SpO2 < 80%) triggers walking interruption by the examiner. Our main objective was to assess the impact of this approach on 6MWT distance in patients with chronic respiratory diseases and, second, to evaluate the safety of the test without interruption due to severe EID. ⋯ Interruption driven by severe EID reduced the walked distance during the 6MWT. No serious adverse event, in turn, was observed in subjects with severe desaturation without real-time SpO2 assessment.
Comparative Study
Prevalence of Bronchodilator Responsiveness: A Comparison of Old Versus New Criteria.
In 2021, the European Respiratory Society (ERS)/American Thoracic Society (ATS) guidelines issued a new definition of bronchodilator responsiveness, which is now defined as an increase in FEV1 or FVC by ≥ 10% of the predicted FEV1 or FVC. The impact of this revised definition on bronchodilator responsiveness prevalence has been relatively understudied. ⋯ The prevalence of bronchodilator responsiveness increased when using the new 2021 ERS/ATS definition compared with the 2005 definition. In the subjects with normal pre-bronchodilator spirometry, the prevalence of bronchodilator responsiveness increased when using the 2021 definition, in particular, among those with an FEV1 Z score ≥ 0, which raises concerns for overdiagnosis. Future investigations should examine the correlation of bronchodilator responsiveness with clinical outcomes in this group of subjects.
Recovery of walking independence in critically ill patients is required for safe discharge home. However, the pre-admission predictors affecting this outcome in this patient group are unknown. This study aimed to identify these predictors. ⋯ Pre-admission frailty or pre-frailty, cognitive impairment, and malnutrition risk can help predict walking independence in critically ill patients who require mechanical ventilation.
During invasive mechanical ventilation, where medical gases are very dry and the upper airway is bypassed, appropriate gas conditioning and humidification are mandatory at all times. Results of in vitro studies suggest that dry gases may improve lung deposition during nebulization, but this has not been confirmed through in vivo studies. The objective of this study was to measure gas humidity under multiple conditions to better describe gas hygrometry when heated humidifiers are turned off. ⋯ When heated humidifiers are turned off, gas humidity levels are very low but not as low as medical gases. The clinical impact of repeated shutdowns is unknown. As recommended, heated humidifiers should never be turned off during nebulization.