Revista española de anestesiología y reanimación
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Jun 1999
Case Reports[Sevoflurane in airway management using fibrobronchoscopy: apropos of 2 difficult orotracheal intubation cases].
We report two cases of difficult orotracheal intubation in which intubation with a fiberoptic bronchoscope was performed after induction with an inhalational anesthetic. Mild inhalational anesthesia with sevoflurane was started fairly rapidly, with no respiratory incidences. The tubes were then inserted through a fiberoptic bronchoscope, with no airway management problems.
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Jun 1999
Review Comparative Study[Epidural vs. intradural anesthesia in ambulatory surgery].
Spinal anesthesia is the technique of choice for many outpatient procedures. With appropriate screening and preparation, it can provide excellent surgical conditions and highly satisfactory anesthesia for the patient, while remaining cost-effective. Intradural anesthesia has advantages over epidural anesthesia: technical simplicity, rapid onset, efficacy and depth of blockade. ⋯ The drawbacks are that it takes longer to perform and onset of blockade comes later. Both techniques are valid alternatives to general anesthesia in outpatient surgery. The choice of one over the other will depend on patient characteristics, availability of a presurgical area, and the anesthesiologist's skill.
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Jun 1999
Comparative Study[Effect of etomidate and thiopental on the onset of rocuronium action].
Differences in the hemodynamic effects of induction agents may cause them to affect the onset of action of rocuronium differently. ⋯ These results suggest that the induction drug does not affect rocuronium's onset of action.
Rev Esp Anestesiol Reanim · Jun 1999
[Inhalation administration of nitric oxide during selective pulmonary ventilation decreases the intrapulmonary shunt].
To assess the effects of inhaled nitric oxide (NO) on oxygenation and hemodynamics in patients undergoing lung resection surgery during one-lung ventilation (OPV). ⋯ Inhalational administration of NO during OLV significantly improves arterial oxygenation and decreases intrapulmonary shunt during OLV, without causing hemodynamic or systemic effects.