Aǧrı : Ağrı (Algoloji) Derneği'nin Yayın organıdır = The journal of the Turkish Society of Algology
Horner's Syndrome results from paralysis of the ipsilateral sympathetic cervical chain (stellate ganglion) caused by surgery, drugs (mainly high concentrations of local anesthetics), local compression (hematoma or tumor), or inadequate perioperative positioning of the patient. It occurs in 100 % of the patients with an interscalene block of the brachial plexus and can also occur in patients with other types of supraclavicular blocks. ⋯ For this reason anesthesiologists should be aware of this syndrome and if it occurs patients should be reassured and monitored closely. In this case report, we presented a case of Horner's Syndrome following lateral sagittal infraclavicular block (LSIB), a newly described technique.
In this study we evaluated the results of pain treatment practices according to the World Health Organization analgesic ladder treatment. and other treatment modalities in cancer patients who were admitted to an anesthesiology-based pain service. Patient characteristics, distribution of the patients according to the primary pathologic sites, initial and last distribution of the patients according to analgesic ladder treatment, other invasive or non-invasive treatment modalities, side effects, and other data related with the patients were examined. 416 of 475 (87.5%) patients were treated using the WHO analgesic ladder treatment, 57 patients (12 %) were treated by invasive techniques. The number of successfully treated patients in step I, II and III were 49 (11.77%), 307 (73.79%) and 60 (14.42) respectively. 181 of 416 (43.50%) patients used anticonvulsants or neuroleptics, 341 of 416 (81.97%) patients used antidepressants. ⋯ Over the entire treatment period, side effects were reported in 17.05% of the patients. The follow-up time for the patients was 42 +/- 109.7 days, the mean interview number was 5.6+/-7.6, the longest follow-up time was 1380 days, and the maximum number of the interviews made by the same patient was 68. In conclusion, we think that, using the World Health Organization analgesic ladder treatment and administering appropriate analgesics and adjuvants in appropriate oral doses determined for appropriate subjects could successfully treat a great number of these patients.
Subjects with myofascial pain of muscles of the neck region may present with various clinical symptoms. The aim of this study was to explore the demographics features, clinical findings and functional status in a group of patients presenting with myofascial pain of the cervical muscles. 94 cervical myofascial pain syndrome patients were recruited from the out-patient clinic. Evaluated of patient short form health survey (SF-36), pain, depression, patient demographics and physical examinations. ⋯ A total of 82 patients with a diagnosis of cervical myofascial syndrome were included in the study. All patients were in the young age group 37.4+/-9, and 87.8% were females. 53.1% had trigger points in the trapezius muscle with high percentage of autonomic phenomena like skin reddening, lacrimation, tinnitus and vertigo. 58.5% of the series had suffered from former cervical trauma and 40.2% also had fibromyalgia syndrome and 18.5% had benign Joint hypermobility syndrome. Younger female patients presenting with autonomic phenomena and early onset cervical injury should be examined for cervical myofascial pain syndrome and also for fibromyalgia syndrome since this study demonstrated a high percentage of fibromyalgia syndrome in these patients.
Studies about greater occipital nerve injection in primary headaches had begun with Michael Anthony and almost all the studies today accept Anthony's studies as reference work. Although more than twenty years passed, there is not enough study about the subject. According to the present data, steroids are apparently effective in both preventive and acute attack therapy in cluster headache. ⋯ Despite the fact that local anesthetics has a role in relieving acute headache, single injection is not suitable in prophylactic treatment. In clinical practice, there is promising data about the usage of the procedure, until the beginning of the effect of principal preventive therapy in cluster headache and during the detoxification process in analgesic induced chronic migraine. Although there are case reports about the relieving acute pain in cluster headache and migraine, there is need for systematized clinical studies.
Randomized Controlled Trial
[Comparison of TD-fentanyl with sustained-release morphine in the pain treatment of patients with lung cancer].
Comparison of TD-fentanyl with sustained-release morphine in the pain treatment of patients with lung cancer ⋯ Both TDF and SRM are safe and effective analgesics for the management of chronic cancer pain. However, TDF is associated with significantly less constipation rate than that of with SRM.