Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2013
A cepstral analysis based method for quantifying the depth of anesthesia from human EEG.
In this paper, a cepstral analysis based approach to measuring the depth of anesthesia (DoA) is presented. Cepstral analysis is a signal processing technique widely used especially for speech recognition in order to extract speech information regardless of vocal cord characteristics. The resulting index for the DoA is called index based on cepstral analysis (ICep). ⋯ All analyses are based on a single-channel electroencephalogram (EEG) of 10 human subjects. To validate the proposed technique, ICep is compared with bispectral index (BIS), which is the most commonly used method to estimate the level of consciousness via EEG during general anesthesia. The results show that ICep has high correlation with BIS, and is outstanding in terms of the Fisher criterion and offers faster tracking than BIS in the transition from consciousness to unconsciousness.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2013
Prediction of nociceptive responses during sedation by time-frequency representation.
The level of sedation in patients undergoing medical procedures evolves continuously, such as the effect of the anesthetic and analgesic agents is counteracted by pain stimuli. The monitors of depth of anesthesia, based on the analysis of the electroencephalogram (EEG), have been progressively introduced into the daily practice to provide additional information about the state of the patient. ⋯ Functions of spectral entropy, instantaneous power and instantaneous frequency were calculated in order to predict the presence or absence of the nociceptive responses to different stimuli during sedation in endoscopy procedure. Values of prediction probability of Pk above 0.75 and percentages of sensitivity and specificity above 70% and 65% respectively were achieved combining TFR functions with bispectral index (BIS) and with concentrations of propofol (CeProp) and remifentanil (CeRemi).
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2013
Characterization of laplacian surface electromyographic signals during isometric contraction in biceps brachii.
Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a noninvasive technique for monitoring the electrical activity produced by the muscles. Usually, sEMG is performed by carrying out monopolar or bipolar recordings by means of conventional Ag/AgCl electrodes. In contrast, Laplacian recordings of sEMG could also be obtained by using coaxial ring electrodes. ⋯ Also, muscle fatigue, a condition when muscle force is reduced, was assessed using indexes from amplitude and frequency domain. The results of this study suggest that Laplacian sEMG has higher spectral bandwidth but a lower signal to noise ratio in comparison to bipolar sEMG. In addition, frequency fatigue indexes showed that Laplacian recording had better response than bipolar recording, which suggests that Laplacian electrode can be useful to study muscular fatigue due to better spatial resolution.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2013
Ambulatory respiratory rate detection using ECG and a triaxial accelerometer.
Continuous monitoring of respiratory rate in ambulatory conditions has widespread applications for screening of respiratory diseases and remote patient monitoring. Unfortunately, minimally obtrusive techniques often suffer from low accuracy. In this paper, we describe an algorithm with low computational complexity for combining multiple respiratory measurements to estimate breathing rate from an unobtrusive chest patch sensor. ⋯ The three respiration rates are combined by a weighted average using weights based on quality metrics for each signal. The algorithm was evaluated on 15 elderly subjects who performed spontaneous and metronome breathing as well as a variety of activities of daily living (ADLs). When compared to a reference device, the mean absolute error was 1.02 breaths per minute (BrPM) during metronome breathing, 1.67 BrPM during spontaneous breathing, and 2.03 BrPM during ADLs.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc · Jan 2013
Beat-to-beat estimation of LVET and QS2 indices of cardiac mechanics from wearable seismocardiography in ambulant subjects.
Seismocardiogram (SCG) is the measure of the minute vibrations produced by the beating heart. We previously demonstrated that SCG, ECG and respiration could be recorded over the 24 h during spontaneous behavior by a smart garment, the MagIC-SCG system. In the present case study we explored the feasibility of a beat-to-beat estimation of two indices of heart contractility, the Left Ventricular Ejection Time (LVET) and the electromechanical systole (QS2) from SCG and ECG recordings obtained by the MagIC-SCG device in one subject. ⋯ LVET and QS2 are characterized by important beat-to-beat fluctuations, with standard deviations in the same order of magnitude of RR Interval. In all settings, spectral profiles are different for LVET, QS2 and RR Interval. This suggests that the biological mechanisms impinging on the heart exert a differentiated influence on the variability of each of these three indices.