Mayo Clinic proceedings
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Feb 2023
Population-Based Evaluation of Total Protein in Cerebrospinal Fluid.
To present a normal range of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein levels in a community-based population and to evaluate factors that contribute to CSF protein level variability. ⋯ This large population-based study showed that CSF protein level can vary significantly among individuals. Elevated CSF protein level was independently associated with older age, male sex, and diabetes and is higher than listed in many laboratories. These findings emphasize the necessity of evidence-based reevaluation and standardization of CSF protein metrics.
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Feb 2023
Association Between Proton Pump Inhibitor Exposure and Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery.
To evaluate the association of preoperative proton pump inhibitor (PPI) exposure with incident acute kidney injury (AKI) after cardiac surgery. ⋯ Preoperative PPI exposure may be a modifiable risk factor for AKI among patients undergoing cardiac surgery.
To evaluate how breast cancers come to clinical attention (mode of detection [MOD]) in a population-based cohort, determine the relative frequency of different MODs, and characterize patient and tumor characteristics associated with MOD. ⋯ One-third of all breast cancers in this population were detected by MODs other than screening mammography. Increased likelihood of nonmammographic MODs was observed among women with dense breasts and advanced cancer.
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Feb 2023
Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Incident Purchase of Hypnotic Drugs in Adults: The HUNT Study.
To assess whether cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is associated with first purchase of a prescribed hypnotic drug in the adult population. ⋯ Cardiorespiratory fitness in adulthood is associated with incident purchase of prescription medication commonly used for sleep problems. These findings suggest that fitness should be considered a target for preventing sleep problems in adults.
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Feb 2023
ReviewPhysical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Fitness as Modulators of Health Outcomes: A Compelling Research-Based Case Presented to the Medical Community.
The beneficial health effects and prognostic significance of regular moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PA), increased cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), or both are often underappreciated by the medical community and the patients they serve. Individuals with low CRF have higher annual health care costs, higher rates of surgical complications, and are two to three times more likely to die prematurely than their fitter counterparts when matched for risk factor profile or coronary calcium score. ⋯ To assess the evidence supporting or refuting the benefits of PA and CRF, we performed a literature search (PubMed) and critically reviewed the evidence to date. In aggregate, these data are presented in the context of clarifying the impact that regular PA and/or increased CRF have on preventing and treating chronic and infectious diseases, with reference to evidence-based exercise thresholds that the medical community can embrace and promote.