Mayo Clinic proceedings
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Sep 2023
ReviewFunctional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea: Recognition and Management of a Challenging Diagnosis.
Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea is responsible for approximately a third of the cases of secondary amenorrhea. The condition is a result of disturbances in gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulsatile secretion at the level of the hypothalamus, which in turn disrupts gonadotropin secretion. It is due to psychosocial stress, disordered eating, and/or excessive exercise. ⋯ Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea is a diagnosis of exclusion, and treatment involves identifying and reversing the underlying cause(s). The aim of this concise review is to summarize the current knowledge of functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, review its pathophysiology and the adverse health consequences, and provide recommendations for diagnosis and management of this condition. Furthermore, this review will emphasize the gaps in research on this common condition impacting women of reproductive age all over the world.
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Sep 2023
Hepatitis C Screening in Post-Baby Boomer Generation Americans: One Size Does Not Fit All.
To analyze the impact of access to routine health care, as estimated by health insurance coverage, on hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection prevalence in US adults born after 1965 (post-baby boomer birth cohort [post-BBBC]) and to use the data to formulate strategies to optimize population screening for HCV. ⋯ For HCV elimination, passive "universal" screening in routine health care settings is insufficient, although the efficiency of screening may be improved with alanine aminotransferase prescreening. Importantly, for individuals with limited access to health care, proactive outreach programs for HCV screening are still needed.
Mayo Clinic proceedings · Sep 2023
ReviewGuess What We Can Hear-Novel Voice Biomarkers for the Remote Detection of Disease.
The advancement of digital biomarkers and the provision of remote health care greatly progressed during the coronavirus disease 2019 global pandemic. Combining voice/speech data with artificial intelligence and machine-based learning offers a novel solution to the growing demand for telemedicine. Voice biomarkers, obtained from the extraction of characteristic acoustic and linguistic features, are associated with a variety of diseases and even coronavirus disease 2019. ⋯ Search terms included digital biomarker, telemedicine, voice features, voice biomarker, speech features, speech biomarkers, acoustics, linguistics, cardiovascular disease, neurologic disease, psychiatric disease, and infectious disease. The search was limited to studies published in English in peer-reviewed journals between 1980 and the present. To identify potential studies not captured by our database search strategy, we also searched studies listed in the bibliography of relevant publications and reviews.
Art is integrated into the Mayo Clinic environment. Since the original Mayo Clinic Building was finished in 1914, many pieces have been donated or commissioned for patients and staff to enjoy. Each issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings features a work of art (as interpreted by the author) that is displayed in a building or on the grounds of Mayo Clinic campuses.