Handbook of clinical neurology
Review Historical Article
The surgery of peripheral nerves (including tumors).
Surgical pathology of the peripheral nervous system includes traumatic injury, entrapment syndromes, and tumors. The recent significant advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology and cellular biology of peripheral nerve degeneration and regeneration has yet to be translated into improved surgical techniques and better outcome after peripheral nerve injury. ⋯ Surgery continues to be the primary treatment modality for peripheral nerve tumors and advances in adjuvant oncological treatment has improved outcome after malignant peripheral nerve tumors. The present chapter provides background knowledge of surgical peripheral nerve disease and some general and practical guidance toward its clinical management.
This chapter considers the use of central thalamic deep brain stimulation (CT/DBS) to support arousal regulation mechanisms in the minimally conscious state (MCS). CT/DBS for selected patients in a MCS is first placed in the historical context of prior efforts to use thalamic electrical brain stimulation to treat the unconscious clinical conditions of coma and vegetative state. ⋯ The conceptual foundations for CT/DBS in selected patients in a MCS are then presented with consideration of both circuit and cellular mechanisms underlying recovery of consciousness identified from empirical studies. Directions for developing future generalizable criteria for CT/DBS that focus on the integrity of necessary brain systems and behavioral profiles in patients in a MCS that may optimally response to support of arousal regulation mechanisms are proposed.
Fabry disease results from deficient activity of the enzyme α-galactosidase A and progressive lysosomal deposition of globotriaosylceramide (GL-3) in cells throughout the body. The main neurological presentations of Fabry disease patients are painful neuropathy, hypohidrosis, and stroke. Fabry neuropathy is characterized as a length-dependent peripheral neuropathy affecting mainly the small myelinated (Aδ) fibers and unmyelinated (C) fibers. ⋯ Early initiation of ERT before irreversible organ failure is extremely important, and alternative therapeutic approaches are currently being explored. Heterozygotes suffer from peripheral neuropathy at a higher rate than previously shown, significant multisystemic disease, and severely decreased quality of life. As well as being carriers, heterozygotes also display symptoms of Fabry disease, and should be carefully monitored and given adequate therapy.
End-of-life care practices and attitudes in Europe are highly diverse, which is unsurprising given the variety of cultural and religious patterns across this region. The most marked differences are in the legal and ethical stances towards assisted dying, although there are also variations in limitation of life-sustaining treatment and the authority of advance directives to decline such treatment. ⋯ Fueled by the politically led process of European harmonization, future policies and laws on end-of-life care might converge. However, at the base of many ethical conflicts there remain deeply rooted differences about promoting the sanctity of life, eradicating suffering, and respecting patients' autonomous wishes.
Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis is a newly characterized severe neuroautoimmune syndrome with a progressive, clinical course. Most often seen in females, it usually begins with a prodromal phase suggestive of an acute or subclinical upper respiratory tract infection that lasts for up to 2 weeks. This is followed by a psychotic and seizure phase in which the child may rapidly develop seizures, behavioral changes, and, less commonly in children, psychiatric symptoms, resulting in frequent misdiagnoses. ⋯ Relapses in children may be multiple and occur in 20-25% of cases. Recovery is slow and may take 3 years or longer. Even so, the child may not always regain its premorbid level of health.